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A/n this chapter contains smut :)

I begin the dreadful walk to Dracos dorm, slightly nervous because we didn't end on a good note yesterday. I don't want him to feel weird when Cora and Cole are around, they are my best friends. And I definitely don't want him to be jealous of Cole.

I finally find myself outside O Dracos dorm. I slowly bring my hand up, curling it into a fist and knock on the oak door. There's no answer. However, I know he's in there. I can smell his minty scent from here. I knock I little louder incase he didn't hear me. Still no answer. I begin to get fed up and open the door myself.

I see him laying on his bed, reading a strange looking book. I walk through the threshold and close the door behind me. His eyes stay fixed on the book, not acknowledging my arrival. I slowly walk over to his bed and sit on the far end, a large space sits between us.

"Draco?" I ask quietly, I dont want to set him off. He gives me the silent treatment once again. What is he playing at?

"Draco don't ignore me."

"Don't tell me what to do Austin." He spat through his teeth, clenching the book in his hands.

"We need to talk." I say, trying to stay calm and ignore his tone.

"About what?" He replies, closing the book aggressively and chucking it onto his bed. He folds his arms across his chest and finally makes eye contact with me.

"Don't play dumb Draco, you know what." I say sternly.

He runs his tongue along the bottom of his inside lip before speaking. "I don't want you talking to that guy."

"Draco you can't stop me from speaking to my friends. They are my friends, not yours."

"No Leah, I've got sick of it. I've got sick of horny guys always trying to hit on you." He says pushing himself up from his bed. "First Zabini, then diggory, that guy at the party and now this dick." The memory of the guy at the party makes me shiver but I quickly return to the conversation.

"That's not my fault Draco." I say standing up and stalking over to him. "And I turned Blaise down, and me and Cedric are just friends same with Cole." I reassure him.

"Diggory has touched you, he's had his lips on yours. It's only a matter of time before Anderson does aswell!" He raises his voice at me, turning his body around, his back now facing me.

He rubs his trembles in an attempt to calm down. "You're not going near either of them again." He demands.

"Draco you don't control me, I'm my own person!" I snap at him.

"It's me or him Austin." He says turning around to face me. There's anger painted on his face, but a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"You can't do that Draco, you can't make me choose between you both." I finish, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Then leave." He says sternly. I feel his body tense up in my arm.


"I said leave Austin!" He shouts, shoving my arm off his shoulder. "Get out already!" He yells, pointing to the door. "Go fucking running to them you fucking mudblood." He finishes.

I stand there for a moment. I feel hurt, betrayed. He hasn't called me that in a very long time. I look him up and down before talking.

"I hate you." I spat looking into his silver eyes. I turn on my heal and walk out the door slamming in my way out. As the door closes I hear Draco curse loudly and it sounds as if he's punching something. I think to myself if I should go back in, but I decide not too.

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