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Weeks later...

This depression- it's been eating me up. The world no longer seems magical. The chirping of the birds no longer is a music to my ears. It's very dark in here. Not from the practical point of view, but from my mental state. The tears want to roll down, but they are too stubborn. They just wouldn't come.

I let my gaze rise up and I took in my whole body, wincing at the emaciated figure that stared back at me. What had I let herself become? I felt like a hollow shell of my once plump and vibrant self. I felt weak. I hardly ate these days. I felt as if i had no fight left inside me. My parents were gone, and so was he.

It had been weeks since he left. I read the note he left almost very night, it always destroyed me. Every paragraph, every sentence, every word stung like a nettle. The worst part of it was...I didn't know if he was alive or not.

He wrote that he wanted to make Lucius pay for what he did and Lucius wouldn't hesitate to kill Draco. It hurts not knowing if he's safe. Just to know if he is alive or not would soothe me. Just to hear his heart beat...

I haven't been going to classes for weeks. Cora and Cole are worried about me, I told them both everything, even Cora. I told them about my parents death and Draco leaving. I wanted to go after him, find him but they forced me to stay or they would've gone to Dumbledore. I couldn't have anyone getting involved, this was my business. This is happening because of me. Because of who I am.

I weakly stumbled over to my single bed and sat on the edge, my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. I was so lost, I had no idea on what to do. I need to find out if he's okay. If he is alive then he will be at the malfoy manor. How am I super get ther without anyone knowing? Plus, what if I went there and he wasn't there, and Lucius would be. I know he needs me for something but I still don't understand what. But I have this feeling, a feeling that whatever he has planned it will be happening soon.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Cora barges into the dorm.

"Right come on we are going for breakfast." She insisted, grabbing my shoes from the corner if the room and bring them to me.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." I lied. I was hungry, but I couldn't bear to eat.

Cora sighed and starting putting my shoes on for me herself. "Yes you are Leah, you can't stay in here forever."

I could though, it was so easy.

When I didn't reply she spoke again. "We miss you." She started while grabbing a black sweater from my dresser for me. "I miss my partner in crime." She smirked while putting te sweater over my head.

"I don't feel like going." I argued. I had little to no motivation.

"I don't care." She knelt down so she was level with my eyes. "Listen. You're a bad bitch okay. You're stronger than this. And I've got sick of sitting through snapes lessons by myself so get your ass up queen." She said smirking.

A small smile crept onto my lips, Cora always knew how to cheer me up. "Fine." I sighed. Cora shot up with excitement and we made our way to the great hall. Thankfully it was sunday so I didn't have to start my classes until tomorrow. When we opened the giant doors into the great hall I got a few stares. I know that my figure had changed a lot, I was a lot thinner. I heard a few whispers every now and then, some people saying 'look hoe skinny she is' and 'what the fuck happened to her'. I chose to just ignore them and took my seat with Cora at the slytherin table.

I saw Cole sitting down and as soon as he saw me he had a relieved look on his face. "Leah. I'm proud of you for coming." He said as he stood up from his seat and pulled me in for a gentle hug. I could tell he was afraid of accidentally hurting me.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now