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Three months. Three months left until my birthday. Three months until my death. Or maybe not. We have been researching a lot about the curse but there is hardly anything on it. It's really rare so people haven't had the chance to explain it. I still don't completely understand it. All I know is that on the day of my next birthday... I'll be gone. I try and think positive, but it's hard.

Draco keeps reassuring me that we will find something to stop the curse. He doesn't believe I have a few months left, he believes we can stop the curse. He has hope, but that makes me feel guilty. Knowing that he believes we can kind away around this hurts my heart. Because I don't think there's anything we can do. But I put on a happy face, I just want to spend the next few months happy, with him. Merlin he's incredible.

We have one month left of the school year. After that I'll be staying with Draco at his manor, now that his father is dead. I feel bad that Draco had to kill him, and I feel as though he does to. At the end of the day he was his father, no matter how much he hurt Draco. I'm thankful that he is rid of him.

I just wish I had more time with Draco.

"You're making my legs go numb." Draco murmured while playing with my hair. We were laying on his bed, my head placed on his lap while I read one of my favourite books.

"Too bad." I smirked as I turned a page in the book. Just being near him lights me up inside, gives me a serenity I can never know without him being close. It's like the breaths I take aren't full when he's away, like the smiles I smile are incomplete somehow. Just lying next to him is my favourite place in the world. It's him that creates the warmth in my soul, him that fills me full of love and keeps the fire burning in my eyes.

Draco suddenly flicked my forehead causing me to flinch. "Up dumbass." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, letting him get up off the bed. I watched him walk over to his wardrobe and pull out his uniform. He was so fucking good looking. I stared at him as he finished pulling on his slytherin robe, I sure looked like a stalker.

"Get dressed." He ordered. We had class today and potions first. I didn't want to stop going to classes just because of the curse. I just wanted to act like everything was normal.

I slid of the bed and swiftly pulled on my robes over my white button up shirt and short dark grey skirt. I added some black thigh highs which I know affected Draco. In the corner of my eye I saw him eyeing me, causing me to blush.

"You know staring won't give you the power to see through my clothes." I teased as I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed his hands tightly on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I've already seen plenty of you love." He smirked while rubbing his fingers in circles on my waist. I huffed as I brought my lips to his, kissing his passionately. His lips have always been so soft and sweet, every time our lips collide it makes me crave more.

I felt him smirk against my lips as he pulled away. "I know you're obsessed with me but we need to get to class." He teased. I shoved his arm causing him to let out a soft chuckle. "Come on let's go."


"And then he tried to shove it in my as-"

I covered Coras mouth, stopping her from finishing that sentence. "Cora I love you but I don't want to hear about yours and Blaises sex life." I laughed and pulled my hand away from her mouth.

"Whatever." She laughed. "He was really drunk though so i think that's why he was so horny." She whispered as we walked into potions.

I scanned the room for a certain blonde when I saw him slouching in his chair at the back of the class. As soon as he saw me he sat up and sent me a flirtatious smirk. I started to walk up to his table when my arm was harshly pulled to the side, causing my body to bend down slightly.

"You're looking good today Austin." Marcus flint smiked as his grip on my arm tightened. I tried to shove him off but that only made him great his fingers into me harder.

"Get off me." I spat.

"Come on, don't be so bor-"

He was cut off by Draco shovung him off his seat causing Flint to fall on the floor. Draco pushed me behind him, keeping me away from Flint. "Fucking touch her again and watch." Draco spat as he pointed his finger down as Flint who was still on the floor.

"Fucking hell mate, she's just a girl." Flint spat as he finally stood up, careful to keep his distance away from an angry Draco. Pussy.

"She's my girl, so don't go fucking near her." Draco snapped as he grabbed my arm dragging me along with him to his seat. He sat back down to where he was sitting before as I stood there because there wasn't another chair anywhere.

"Um Draco where am I supposed to sit?" I asked.

He turned his head to look at me and eyed my body from my toes to my head before gripping my arm and pulling me down to sit on his lap. My cheeks instantly started burning. We got a few glances from other students but I knew that Draco didn't care. He placed one hand on my thigh and the other was on the table, with a pen in his hand. His fingers caressed my bare thigh as we saw Snape walk into the classroom.

He sent me and Draco a dirty look before rolling his eyes and begging to teach the lesson. I leaned my body forward as I started to write notes down as snape spoke. As I did this I felt Dracos grip on my thigh tighten and I heard a quiet grunt escape his lips. I smirked to myself, knowing the effect I had on him.

I started to slightly move my hips on his lap, trying to not seem to obvious. I felt him harden underneath me as I slowly bit my lip. He moved his hand from my thigh to my hips and he leaned his body forward, bringing his mouth to my ear.

"Stop teasing." He whisperd. His breath tickled my skin, wanting me to carry on so I did. I rocked my hips on his hardening dick as I heard multiple groans escape hip lips. I knew we couldn't do anything in the lesson as it would be obvious, but it was always fun to tease him. I felt his press himself onto me, causing me to let out a soft moan. We could never go minutes without touching eachother.

Finally the class ended and me and Draco stood up. I looked down at his crotch and saw his large erection, bulging out through his robes. I snickered as he tried his hardest to hide it.

"Shut up." He said as we walked out the class together. I went to turn right to head to my next class until I felt Draco pull my body into his.

"Where do you think you're going." He whispered into my ear. "You're gonna help me out with this like the good girl you are." His hand slid down to my ass as he squeezed it roughly, causing me to gasp.

"I need to go to class." I smirked. He may have a free period but I actually care about my studies, even though I might not be here for much longer.

"Seriously." He raised an eyebrow at me, making me chuckle.

"Mhm." I hummed.

He rolled his eyes before bringing his lips to mine. "I'm gonna have to take a really cold shower now thanks to you." He whispered.

I let out a loud laugh before departing with him. "I'll see you soon okay?" I spoke.

"I'll be waiting." He winked before turning round and heading to his dorm.

This boys driving me insane.


Sorry for not updating for the past couple days!

I hope you enjoy the chapter, make sure to note comment and follow :)


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