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1 week later

It's been 1 week since I got the mysterious letter. Nothing has happened... yet. I've been on my guard everyday, unsure of who sent me the letter. But I'm not going to worry anymore, if they were to do something, they would have done it by now. I'm just going to push it aside, I'm no longer letting it control my life.

Draco has been gone for the past week aswell. He just left and no one knows why. I do miss him. His voice, his laugh, his smile, his... touch. I asked Blaise if he knew where he went but he had no idea. Strange. It must be something important if he had to go so suddenly.

Me and Cedric are okay now, he finally talked to me. We act like the kiss never happened but I can tell he does feel something for me just by the way he acts towards me. Always flirting and complimenting me. I like him a lot but not in that way. He doesn't excite me the way Draco does.

I'm sitting in the great hall with Cedric and blaise and our conversation leads onto malfoy.

"What do you think he's doing?" I ask blaise.

"For the 30th time leah, I have no idea. All i know is he went home for some business." He replied, shoving some roasted potatoes into his mouth.

"I know but I just don't understand why he had to go so urgently." I say shyly. No one knows about mine and dracos interactions accept for Luna. I've kept this thing me and malfoy have to myself. I'm still not 100% sure what it is we have.

"Well his father is a dick, I know that for a fact. He's treated malfoy like shit his whole life. Probably why he's always so uptight all the time." Says blaise.

My mind drifts to that night in detention when draco opened up to me. He didn't tell me a lot about his father but I already know I hate him. The thought of Draco not having a a good childhood breaks my heart. My father loves me unconditionally. He's my world.

I miss draco dreadfully, I just can't wait to see him again. What I would give to feel his lips connect with mine again. The feel of his cold hands on my body.

"Why do you care so much about where he's gone?" Cedric asks, placing his warm hand on my thigh.

"No reason" I say smiling. "Hey I'm gonna head back to my dorm until my next class, I'll see you guys later." I get up from my seat and wave both boys goodbye. Cedric blows a kiss at me playfully and I chuckle and roll my eyes.


I walk into the common room, the same forest smell striking my nose. The slytherin common room always makes me feel calm and safe.

Sitting on one of the couches I see a slim, black haired boy. He immediately looks my way and we make eye contact. "Hello there little lady." He says smirking at me. His smirk does not fit his face. He's certainly not the best looking guy around. "Come sit." He says pointing to the sofa infront of him.

"Um I'm good thankyou, in just going to head to my dorm." I don't want to sit with this guy. He looks like trouble.

"Want me to join you?" He says winking at me. I choose to ignore him and just head to my dorm. Some boys at this school need to learn to restrain themselves.

I walk up the stairs and head to my door when I hear pansy giggling. She's never usually in the dorm so I decide to enter, I see her straddled on top of a familiar platinum blonde boy.

I blink and stand there for a moment, taking in the scene. Draco is shirtless but pansy is still fully clothed. Thank god didn't walk in on them doing it, I'd be scared for life. They both turn their heads to look at me. Pansy smirking and Draco holding a guilty look on his face.

"Leah I-" draco starts but is interrupted my pansy.

"Get out off here mudblood" Pansy spat turning her attention back onto malfoy, gliding her hand down his muscular chest. "We're busy" she says giggling.

No words come out of my mouth. I can't believe him. I thought he felt something for me, the way he opened up to me, kissed me, touched me. And then he's here with pansy on top off him. What a fucking jerk. I should have know this would've happened. This whole time I've been thinking about him, worrying about him and he's here with her. Her out of all people. Pathetic.

I quickly run out the door and slam it shut. Tears appearing in my eyes but I force them away. I'm not going to cry over him, he's not worth it.

As I'm walking down the hall of dorms I feel I cold hald grip on my wrist turning me around to face them.

"What the fuck do you want malfoy." I spat at him, my anger building up.

"Le- Austin, I'm sorry you had to find out like that, I didn't think you'd be back to your dorm for a while." He says lowly.

He can't even say my name? What the fuck is up with him? And find what out, have him and pansy been shagging this whole time?!

"So you're telling me you've been shagging that pug face the entire time?!" I shout at him. "Even that time during detention when we opened up to each other. The library when you were touching me, you were touching her at the same time. Malfoy are you kidding me?" Throwing my arms in the air.

"I didn't mean what I said in detention, I just wanted to see you vulnerable, kind of pathetic really. And in the library, I only did that because I was bored and needed someone to play with. And you're a mudblood anyway, I'd never feel anything towards someone like you." He says looking everywhere but my eyes.

"It was all just a game to me, flint challenged me to get you to fall for me. I never felt anything towards you." He says lowly.

I stare at him in disbelief. I was just a pawn in his stupid little game. He used me. He never cared for me, never felt anything for me.

"I can't believe you. You're a piece of fucking shit malfoy. Don't come near me ever again you pale, ghost looking motherfucker." I yell at him running out of the common room.

How could he do this to me.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now