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"Theres a party in the slytherin common room tonight." Blaise said as he wrapped his arm around Coras shoulder. Him and Cora have been getting pretty close lately, they are basically a couple now.

"Ooo a party sounds fun, are you gonna go Leah." Cora asked from across the slytherin table in the great hall.

I think back to the last party I went to. Thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe if I don't drink as much this time I'll be okay. However, Cole has gone away for a week. He left two days ago. He said his mother is getting married to her new boyfriend and he said he had no choice but to go.

We haven't kissed since the night in the pool. That's probably because we can never find ourselves alone. Cora sticks to me like glue but I love her for it.

"Yeah i guess I'll go." I say as I add some food to my plate.

"Great, if Leah's going I'm going." Cora explains. "I'm gonna look bomb." She notes.

"You already look hot as fuck" Blaise comments as he whispers something in her ear. She giggles and turns to me.

"Me and Blaise are gonna um... do something." She laughs, standing up. "I'll see you later okay?" She shouts as she exits the hall with Blaise.

I roll my eyes. I know exactly what they are doing, horny hoes. They just left me here by myself so they can go fuck. Lovely. I finally finish my plate and head to the library to clear my head.

Aa I walk in I notice it's pretty empty, only about 6 people here. I sit in the back corner away from everyone, I've always preferred privacy. I get out my books and begin to study. I have pretty average grades but I still work hard. I wish i was as smart at Hermione, school would be a lot easier.

I quickly get bored reading the potions book I was studying with and decided to look around the library for a more interesting book. I find myself in the restricted section, glancing at the spines of the books. My fingers trace down them-inspecting them.

My eyes dart to a book called 'Werewolf History'.

I look around me to make sure no one can see me get the book. I don't want to seem suspicious. Learning more about what I am could help me cope with it. I remember, before I had the potion, transforming was a terrifying experience. I would have to be tied up with chains, it killed my parents to do it but they had to. When I turned, i had no control of who i was. My only instinct was to kill.

The pain was the worst part if it. Words cannot describe how painful it was. It was as if all my limbs were being ripped away. My body would overheat. My screams were deafening. It was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold. It pierced the brain and ignited some primeval pathway.

I was 12 when we found out about the potion that stopped me from transforming. So for 6 years I would have to become... that thing. A child shouldn't have to go through that. But I did.

I take a seat back at my spot and begin to read the book. It talked about some things I already knew about.

A werewolf cannot choose whether or not to transform and will no longer remember who they are and would kill even their best friend given the opportunity once transformed. Despite this, they are able to recall everything they have experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.

I continued to read on and on until I read something that I didn't know about.

There is a certain curse that a wizard can have when born . We don't know what this curse does but there have been talks that the only way to rid the wizard of this curse is to transfer it to a werewolf. This means the werewolf will now be cursed and the wizard will be free. We do not know how or what the wizard must do to transfer this curse but it is very rare so rarely happens.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now