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I felt a muscular arm wrapped around my naked body. I looked up and saw Dracos gorgeous face peacefully sleeping. His lips were slightly parted, his fair hair a mess. I smiled at how calm he looked, I've missed waking up and seeing him in the morning.

I carefully removed his arm from around my body, trying not to wake him and got up from the bed. Being worried of making any noise, I tip toed over to his dresser and pulled out a large black shirt to cover my naked body. It smelled exactly like him.

After finding my underwear that was on the floor, I sat on the edge of his bed. We had sex last night. I'm not a virgin anymore. I'm glad my first time was with him, he made me feel bloody amazing. But what happens now? I can't just leave him after last night...that's horrible.

No one knows we had sex, everyone only saw us kiss. Just a kiss for a stupid game. It wouldn't look like a big deal for them but for me and Draco it was a different story. How could Lucius possibly find out about anything? Someone was obviously telling him about me and Draco before, who says they won't do it again. The thing is, I have no idea who it even is.

I just pray Lucius doesn't find out. I can't lose my parents or Draco.

"What do you think you're doing all the way over there?" Dracos husky morning voice called from the other side of the bed. I turned my head to look at him and a blush crept its way onto my cheeks.

"Come here." He ordered, opening his arms for me. I crawled over to him and cuddled up in his arms, my head placed on his defined collarbone. In the darkness our cuddles feel like a little touch of heaven, warm, together, cozy. His arms wrapped right around me bringing a peace I've never known before, a calming of the storms in my heart. I think that it gives me hope for the future.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Really good actually, you?" I replied, sinking my head deeper into his body.

"I think you already know the answer." He cooed. I could sense that he had his famous smirk stapled on his face. I rolled my eyes and we just stayed there for a moment, embracing each other.

"Drink this." He spoke as he turned to his desk next to his bed, handing me a small container. "We don't want any babies coming out of you do we?"

I rolled my eyes and poured the liquid down my throat.

"We need to talk." He blurted out and stood up from the bed. He changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt and sat back down on the bed next to me.

This was the part I've been dreading. How was I supposed to tell him his father threatened to kill my parents if I didn't stay away from him. I just had sex with him for crying out loud. I couldn't lie to him anymore though, not anymore.

"About what." I asked. I was being stupid, I knew exactly what.

"About us" he starts. "That night you left me, you said you didn't feel anything between us. I know now that that was a lie. You left without an explanation. So I need you to tell me the real reason you left." He finishes as he squeezed my hand.

This was It, I had to tell him.

"It was...your father."

His grip on my hand slowly loosened and his face turned into pure anger.

Draco pov

"What" I said sternly.

Burning rage hissed through my body like deathly poison, screeching a demanded release. It was like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off me like ferocious waves.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now