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"How about we do something today?" I asked Draco after we got changed for the day. "Hogsmeade?" It'll be fun to hang out with Draco other than in his room as I've been spending most of my time here over the past week. I've really gotten to know Draco. Turns out that theres a lot more to him than that moody front he puts on.

We haven't had sex or anything like that at all. We've only kissed and made out. I feel like I'm ready to give myself to Draco. I trust him more than anyone. We haven't made anything official yet though. I'm just hoping that soon, he might.

"Sure I don't see why not, get changed. I'm going to get some breakfast real quick." He says pecking me on the forehead and leaving the room.

It isn't that cold out today so I won't have to wrap up completely. I quickly head to my dorm and grab an outfit. As I walk in I see Pansy on her bed. She gives me a disgusted look, I roll my eyes as I walk back to Dracos dorm.

I slip on my outfit and wait for Draco on his bed. My skirt is a little short but it's fine. Its perfect for the weather, not too warm and not too cold. Draco strides through the door and I stand up. He instantly eyes my body. Once he looks down and sees my skirt he glares at me.

"Change." He demands.

"What? Uh why?" I ask confused. He can't really stop me from wearing this. I know the skirt may be a bit short but it's not like anyone is going to care.

"Change your outfit." He says walking over to me. "I won't be able to control myself seeing you in that skirt." He says holding my chin, pulling my face up to look at him. He towers over me as he usreally tall.

"No." I tease. A small smirk playing on my lips. I could maybe have some fun with this. He furrowed his eyebrows at me for a moment before pushing me onto his bed. He hovers over my body. His arms placed either side of my head. He looks down at me with hunger roaming his eyes before speaking.

"What was that Austin?" He growls. His breath hits my face as we are only inches away from each other. We have been in this situation so many times now, each time I get a bit braver.

"No" i repeat. My breathing quickens as I'm unaware where this will lead. I see him smirk slightly.

He grabs my thighs tightly and pulls my body forcefully to his. This causes me to let out a soft moan and I instantly cover my mouth, in shock of what I've just done. He grabs my wrist and yanks it away from my mouth.

"Don't ever cover your fucking mouth." He spat through his teeth. "Do you understand?" He growls.

I let out a weak "yes" as he leans down and aggressively smashes his lips into mine. Letting no air into the kiss. He pulls away and whispers into my ear. "Good girl" he speaks.

He kisses and sucks my neck aggressively, but it isn't painful. It feels amazing, he makes me feel amazing. I can feel that he is leaving a lot of hickeys, but I don't care. As long as they are from him.

I rub my heat onto his dick, wanting more of him. I let out a few moans doing so. "Someones excited" he teased, still kissing my neck and making his way down to my breasts. His harsh breaths make me melt into him.

He glides his hand down to my inner thigh, stroking it gently. He looks up at me for a moment asking if this is okay. I nod in reassurance as he continues to go up to my heat. I sit up slightly to remove my shirt as he does the same. Once again I see his sexy body and I smirk to myself.

He leans back down attacking breasts with his lips. My bra is still on but it still feels amazing. He glides his fingers around my clit rubbing in circles as I let out multiple moans.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now