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3 weeks later

Winter break went by dreadfully slow. I didn't really get up to much, I mostly just stayed in my room all day. Cora came over some days though, as she lives very close, so it wasnt that bad I guess.

Today we go back to Hogwarts. A part of me is really excited to see my friends and continue with my studies. The other part of me very nervous. It's been a little under three weeks since I last saw Draco. I wonder if he's been thinking about me at all.

As I'm packing my trunk for the long journey on the Hogwarts express, I glance over to my bed and spot the necklace Draco gave me over a month ago. My heart skips at the thought of him. I know it would have been best if I got rid of it, but I couldn't. It's the one thing I really have left of him.

I think for a few minutes if I should bring it with me. I guess it couldn't do any harm so I pack into my trunk. People won't know Draco gave it me, it will just look like a normal piece of jewelry. A very beautiful piece of jewelry.

Me and my friends did write to each other a lot. I apologised to Ron, Harry and Hermione for my outburst in the library and thankfully they forgave me. And Harry did apologise for saying those things about Draco.

I don't know what the rest of this year is going to bring but I'm extremely weary. The memory of Lucius saying he'll need me in the future took over my mind throughout the holidays. I'm still unsure of what he means and I really don't want to find out. I just pray he leaves my parents and Draco out of it.

"Leah are you ready to leave?" My mothers sweet voice calls from downstairs.

"Yes I'm coming"

I walk down the stairs and see my mother, father, Cora and Cole standing in the living room talking. I immediately run to Cole and wrap my arms around him. His cinnamon scent surrounding me.

"Cole and Cora are going to take you to the station okay sweetie." My mothers voice speaks.

"Yes okay." I reply as I give both my parents a warm hug.

"Make good choices alright kiddo" my dad tells. "And no boys!" He instructs as he kisses my forehead.

"Yes yes I know." I annoyingly reply. I wave my parents goodbye as I head to the car with my two best friends. Cole is driving us as he's the only one with a license so he sits in the drivers seat.

"Shotgun!" I call as I sprint to the car door.

"Hey that ain't fair" Cora whines as she walks to the back of the car.

"I called it first." I sing song to her as she rolls her eyes.

We all take out seats as Cole starts the car. He places a warm hand on my thigh as he turns to me. "It's going to be alright okay love." He reassures.

I give him a warm smile and nod my head. I know he's talking about seeing Draco. I just hope everything will actually be alright.

"Okay love birds if your done I think we should get going." Cora teased from the back of the car.

"Oh shut up you." Cole laughed as he started driving to the station.

Me, Cole and Cora have been looking for an empty compartment for a while now with no luck. As I'm about to give up o see a familiar redhead walking our way.

"Leah!" Ron exclaims as he bring me into a tight hug.

"Hey! How have you been?" I ask as we pull away.

"I've been great thanks, come one you can all come sit with us." He says as he brings us along with him.

Harry and Hermione are both sitting on the compartment. Hermione is reading a book, by the looks of it it's a potions book. Typical of her to be studying already. To be honest she doesn't even need to study, she's top of the class. Harry is sat across from her and he seems to be scanning the daily prophet. I scan at the paper and notice two words on the cover. 'Muggle attack'

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now