Wendy (pt. 1)

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I don't have much to say. Today's chapter is a little sad. I hope you're prepared. I guess the reason it is so sad is because it deals with death and grieving.

I recently lost both my grandpa and my great grandpa.. so yeah. I just was gloomy and wrote this.

Natsu POV as you know..

I hate this time of year.

It was the end of autumn. I used to love this time. The leaves almost gone from the trees as we'd wait eagerly for the first snowfall. When it turns to winter and I'd find myself playing in the snow with my family and friends. Bundling up indoors with blankets and drinking hot chocolate by the crackling fireplace.

It's been a long time since I've enjoyed this season.

I was walking with my hands in my pockets. Whenever I'd exhale, I could see my breath in front of me. It was just a reminder of how much I despised this time.

"Natsu?" I hear. I felt the usual weight on my scarf. I sighed and looked down, not even trying to force a smile.

I've smiled too many fake smiles today. With Lucy, I can't be fake. She's too pure and genuine to me, plus she can feel my strongest emotions. I'm sure that's why she showed up.

"Hey Lucy.." I sigh.

"I already know the answer to this.. but are you okay?"

"No. I'm not."

"Did something happen today?" She asks. I stoped walking. I just vastly looked towards the park. People were laughing and hanging out. I guess I blanked for a few minutes in my thoughts.

When I returned back to Earthland, I looked back down at Lucy. She was looking up at me with those chocolate brown eyes. Her cheeks and nose were a little red- it's very cold outside. "Sorry.. I guess I zoned out Luce."

"That's alright. I just decided to leave you with your thoughts for a little."

"No jokes about me actually thinking for once?" I wonder while tilting my head.

"I was going to, but now isn't the right time." She giggles. "Please stop stalling, Natsu. Tell me what happened." Lucy said. I went to a tree and sat under it. The leaves were mostly gone, but it was still a nice place to sit.

"Okay.. well something did happen today, but not this year."

"I.... see..."

"Yeah. It was three years ago today. My adopted little sister Wendy and I were walking together. All the sudden, she collapsed. I panicked and picked her up. I ran a few blocks with her in my arms to the hospital because I was too freaked out to even think of calling an ambulance.

A doctor took her and told me Wendy had a rare disease that was currently untreatable. I called my mom and told her what happened. She rushed to the hospital, but it was much too late.

Neither of us even got to say goodbye. Everything just happened so suddenly because Wendy was so small. She couldn't fight the sickness. My mom and I had a falling out. I guess we just grieved differently. That's when I asked her to go to a boarding school. I don't see her often, but we talk here and there."

Lucy sighed sadly. "Natsu I had no idea. Thank you for telling me. I'm so sorry for your loss." She says. A tear rolled down her tiny cheek. I wiped it with my pinky and she smiled sadly at me.

"It's okay. It's in the past. I just hate today, and everything about winter. It reminds me of that day because it was the first snowfall."

"Natsu I have an idea. Can we go to the cemetery your sister was buried at?" Lucy asks me.

"W-what? Why? I haven't been there in years. I don't know if I can bring myself to do that.."

"Trust me, Natsu. What you need today won't be your friends. It definitely isn't being alone- heck, it may not even be me. The people you need right now are your mother and sister. You should visit them." Lucy says.

"Lucy that's too painful. Going there and knowing Wendy is there, but I can't physically be with her. Seeing my mom when I practically abandoned her. I'm no better than my father."

"Natsu, please. I wouldn't even suggest it if I wasn't certain. Also, you are amazing. Don't ever let anyone make you think differently."


We took a bus ride. It was about three hours. Luckily Lucy has that cool spell! She used it and I took a nap. After the ride, I went to the cemetery and sighed heavily. When I found Wendy's stone, I just stared at it.

I couldn't even form words. Lucy got up from my scarf. She flew over and stood on the ground in front of the tombstone. "Hi Wendy." Lucy began.

"My name is Lucile, but everyone calls me Lucy. I'm Natsu's spirit. I'm an angel, but sometimes Natsu calls me a devil." Luce giggled. I smiled to myself, but I still stayed quiet. I just let Lucy talk.

"It took a lot for us to come out here, y'know. I'm happy we did. Natsu hasn't told me much about you Wendy. It's probably just too painful for him. I understand that.

That doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. Natsu loves you so much Wendy. I can tell how much he misses you. I can feel his emotional pain and it makes me heartbroken to see him so sad. I'm sure you wouldn't want him to be sad either.

I'm so sorry I wasn't around back then, Wendy. A part of me feels that I could've helped you somehow." Luce finishes.

I found myself crying. Maybe that's what she meant about feeling how sad I was and seeing me so sad. I dried my tears and collapsed on the ground in front of the tombstone. Lucy walked over and put her tiny hand on my knee.

"Thank you Luce.." I whisper. I sighed. "She was a lot like you actually. Wendy was sweet and kindhearted, but still grumpy if you made her upset." I chuckle. "She was too pure for this world I guess."

"Is- not was. Don't use past tense. She'll always be here." Lucy says while flying closer. She put her tiny hand over my heart. This girl amazes me sometimes.

I began to tell Lucy all kinds of stories about me and Wendy. About our childhood and our adventures. It was nice going down memory lane. I looked at the time. We've been here for two hours!

Lucy was right. This is exactly what I needed today. There were footsteps walking slowly towards us. A woman placed a bouquet of flowers in front of Wendy's stone. Sunflowers- Wendy's favorite.

"It's been a long time, Natsu." The lady says. I turned around and saw my mom with happy tears in her eyes. She stretched her arms out and I heard her sniffle. Lucy motioned for me to go.

I ran into my mom's arms. We cried on each other's shoulders. Mom was caressing my hair and I gently rubbed her back.

Lucy was right. In times like these, all you will ever need is your family.

Nothing in the world will ever be more important.

A/N: so yeah.. that's that. Sorry it was kinda sad. Part two of this will be posted next week! It's a little happier don't worry!

Also.. sorry about Wendy.. she's not in this fic- well not alive at least. I was sad to write that.🥺👼 My poor baby..

Lastly, for a little surprise, the next chapter is in Lucy's POV!! Ahh yay!!

Word Count: 1171

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