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New chapter? Yes please.

We love a time skip.

Anyway, I really liked this chapter, and I think you will too. I'm very visual as y'all already know, so honestly if it's confusing, well idk what to tell ya. lmao #piscesthings

Enjoy lovelies😻


"Natsu Dragneel." Gramps said calmly. I stood up proudly and walked up the side of the stage. I shook some hands and held up my diploma. I moved my tassel on my cap to the other side.

I looked into the audience. My mom was smiling and giving a thumbs up as she held up her camera. I laughed lightly as I walked off the stage.

Woohoo I didn't trip! Gray owes me five bucks.

Man was the ceremony boring. Like four hours of videos, speeches and music. It's all worth it though. I actually graduated! I joined my friends after the ceremony. "Pay the man underpants king." I laughed while holding my hand out.

"Stupid flame brain." Gray groaned while putting a $5 into my hand. We then all walked outside to meet up with our families.

"Oh at least try to smile, Gajeel." Gajeel's dad Steel huffs. "You too Gray!" Gray's aunt Ur cheers while holding a camera.

All four of us sighed heavily as we were bunched together for a picture. "Wait let's take another." I began. The guys grumbled.

'Luce hurry over now.' I think. The bright light appeared followed by Lucy resting in my scarf. She hopped out then grew and slung her arm around my shoulder. "Hurry for what?" She giggled.

"A picture!" I cheer. She backed up and looked at all of us. "I feel like a proud parent!!" Lucy says while wiping a fake tear. "Y-you're graduating!"

Lucy ran over and tackled me in a hug. I hugged her back tightly, a stupid grin on my face that wouldn't go away. It was in that moment I knew I felt something different.

Something I've never felt before.

The guys called out for their spirits around us. Down the line it was Jellal, Gajeel, me and then Gray on the other end. All their spirits also transformed and they all got into crazy poses. They were natural poses for all of us and our connections with our guides.

Lucy jumped on my back and wrapped one arm around my neck while the other was in the air. I had my arms back around her thighs to support her. Luce smiled at the camera and I was just admiring her. She looks so happy.

*click* *click* *shudder*

Ur walked over and showed us the picture. I loved it. It's hilarious! Gajeel held Levy bridal style. She crossed her arms and gave him a playful glare while he grinned at the camera. Juvia hugged Gray tightly around his torso. She looked up at him as he looked to the side with a slight blush and a hand in his pocket- his other arm around her shoulders. Jellal was smirking down at Erza as he wrapped his left arm around her waist. Erza was looking at the camera wide eyed as one hand covered her mouth.

"Put me down you giant!" Levy shouted. "I could." Gajeel says with a shrug. Instead he turned and walked off with his dad. Levy facepalmed and just shook her head.

Juvia tugged on Gray's arm, pulling him along behind his parents, Crystal and Silver. Oh, and his aunt of course. Gray groaned and walked off, giving us a wave without turning around. Why does he think he's so cool?

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