Three Words

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As usual, Natsu P.O.V. hehe. Enjoy the last chapter of this book!! It's not much of an ending, but any Nalu works, right?

Thanks lovelies!


I put on my business casual clothes and grabbed my keys. I took some motion sickness medicine. I didn't want to bother Lucy right now. I have a feeling something is wrong, and I want to let her come on her own time.

I drove to a Starbucks and picked up my coffee and croissant. I took it all to my office. I arrived on the top floor and went into my large office beside Gray's.

I ate my croissant and sipped my coffee from time to time. I worked on a spreadsheet on my laptop until the flash of light came.

"Luce!" I grin.

"Natsu," she smiled sadly.

"Lucy, what's got you so down?"

"Natsu, there... there really is no way I can tell you this that won't hurt you."

"Lucy, you're honestly scaring me. Just tell me what's wrong."

"Natsu, it's time for us to say goodbye to each other."

My eyes widened. My breath hitched and I looked down. "Don't joke around like that Lucy," I muttered before looking back up at her.

"Why would I joke around about something like this?!" she shouted.

"Why is this happening?!" I yell back.

Lucy grew to her human sized form and looked down. "I'm so sorry, Natsu."

"You can't go. Not yet!"

"But I have no choice Natsu. The next time I return to the spirit world, my access to this world will be denied until I die."

"So... you can't even visit? How is that fair?!"

"It isn't! I know that. However, it's for the best I suppose."

"No, I won't have a spirit to guide me! I won't have you with me Luce! How is that for the best?"

"If ever you lose your way, they will assign a spirit for lost souls to you. There's nothing more I can do for you."

"DON'T YOU GET IT?! I need you Lucy! I don't need anyone else. I-I only want you by my side," I plead.

"What are you saying?" she said as she eyed me.

"I'm nothing without you. You're my best friend and the one I care about more than anyone else in the world! I'm nothing without you."

"But you were fine before I came along. You'll be fine without me too."

"No. Sure I was fine before you came along, but my life is better because you're in it. You're the reason I'm successful. The reason that I'm close with my mom again."

"I know but it's not my choice, Natsu! You don't understand. It's not my choice to leave you! I want to stay with you by your side, but that's not my decision," she explained sadly.

"Then who's is it?!" I growled.

"The spirit king. He spoke to me and decided you were ready to be on your own. His word is final."

"I'd rather throw my company away. I'd leave it all to Gray and live on the streets if it means you'd stay. That's not too successful, now is it spirit king?" I shouted while looking up.

"He can't hear you..." Lucy sweat-dropped.

"Lucy, please. You're the reason I've felt things I've never... felt before. You can't go when I finally realize what you are to me."

"A-and what am I to you?"

"You're my spirit. My feisty angel companion. My best friend, my confidant and my soulmate." I pulled Lucy closer to me by her hand. I took a second before I slowly leaned in, kissing her.

I'm an idiot for waiting this long to have done that. "Luce, don't leave me," I pout. "It's not fair!"

"Three little words and I'll be able to stay."

"Please don't go."

"More than that, Natsu."

"I need you."

"Not exactly..."

"You are sexy."

"Natsu!" she huffed.

"I'm kidding Luce I knew it from the start."


"I love you."

Lucy lept forward and kissed me passionately as she held the sides of my face. "I love you too, Natsu."

When we separatedd, Lucy's wings begin to detach and her feathers fluttered up and around her. The feathers disappeared into thin air. Her halo was gone without a trace.

Lucy fell forward onto me. "Ah, sorry!" she squeaked. "I lost my footing there..."


Lucy backed up and took a few wobbly steps. "I guess my wings helped me balance," she admitted sheepishly.

I smiled and hugged her as tight as I could. "That's unfortunate," I joke. She huffed and looked up at me, her red cheeks puffed out.

"Shut it, Natsu."

"That's more like it, my feisty angel."

A/N: Wah! My second book is complete?? Insane. Thank you for supporting me on this journey.

To think, this whole book started because of a picture I found on google! Well, I'm glad you all read and made it to the end. Love you all readers! <3

Word Count: 760

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