Spring Break

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Okay so this chapter isn't too great, I just needed a filler to post because it's been like two weeks. Sorry lovelies. :3

Anyway, remember I said a small time skip to spring now? Here we go I guess! I did not proof read this chapter btw sorry. Natsu POV as usual.


"C'mon flame brain. I'm not waiting any longer for your dumbass." Gray shouted from the door.

"Geez Gray I'm coming.." I groan while rolling my suitcase out of my room. "Fucking icicle dick.." I mumble.

"Heard that tabasco freak."

"You were supposed to." I smirk. Gray scoffed while I locked the door. We met up with Gajeel and Jellal in the common room.

"Spring break." Jellal sighed happily.

"Finally!" I cheer while punching a fist in the air.

"I can't wait to go to Cana's vacation house again. This time we can actually go in the water at the beach." Gajeel says. "It was cold before."

"Yeah. Last time we went was winter break." Gray comments.

"Well I haven't been since last summer." I explain. It's true because usually we go to Cana's place for a little over the summer, winter break and spring break. I missed winter break because I was home with my mom.

"Oh yeah." Jellal chuckles.

"I barley noticed your absence." Gajeel adds dramatically.

"You damned iron hearted-" I began while glaring at Gajeel.

"Not now Natsu. Let's go." Jellal says. We all grab our bags and I sluggishly follow the group to the train station. 'Luuuuuuuce~ please help.' I beg.

'Aye sir!' Luce responds.

She appeared in my scarf before we bought our tickets. Lucy flew up and held her hands over my forehead. "Troia!"

"Thanks Luce."

"Hey Gajeel, don't you get motion sickness too?" Gray asks.

"Come to think of it, I remember he mentioned it one time." Jellal adds.

"Yeah. I usually take this medication, why?" Gajeel grumbles while holding a pill. Gray and Jellal turn to Lucy who smiled innocently back at them. "What?"

"Do your powers work on everyone, or just Natsu?" Jellal wondered.

Lucy flew over to Gajeel and smiled. "Everyone." She stated as she held her hands over his forehead. They began to glow. "Wait." I began.

"What is it Natsu?" Luce wondered as I walked closer. She put her hands down. I gently grabbed her and held her. "Why should I let Luce help your iron ass?" I growl at Gajeel.

"Oi, that's just mean!" Gajeel weeps, crying crocodile tears.

"Luce don't help him.." I whine. "He's rude!"

"Wait what..? You expect me to leave Gajeel to suffer?" She wondered.

"Yes." I deadpan.

"Okay, I won't help him then." She tells me.

I let her go with a grin. She giggled while speedily flying to Gajeel. She held her hands up and they glowed blue. "Troia." She said while staring me dead in the eye.

"You little.." I grumble. She winked and disappeared. "Devil!" I shout while crossing my arms. The guys all laughed as we walked up to the ticket booth.

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