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Hey guys!! New chapter! Cool, right? I hope you enjoy. Vote, comment and follow!!

Now onto the story!

It was the weekend. My birthday was this past Thursday. On that Thursday night the boys and I just hung out. Y'know we played some video games 'n talked about random shit. Ordered a pizza...

Extra cheese.....


Gah... Enough daydreaming about pizza!!!

Anyway, Friday passed, and now it's Saturday morning. Today is when I told Lucy we'd hangout. I mean this will definitely be strange.

I woke up and got changed, then did my morning routine of course. I was about to get breakfast when I saw a bright light. Then as usual, I felt a tiny weight on my scarf.

"Good morning Natsu!"

"G'morning.." I say with a slight yawn. She giggles and flew in front of my face. She gave me a bright smile. "Hey let's go to the park or something Luce." I add.

"Okay!" She cheered. Lucy snuggled back into my scarf and I just toasted three waffles. I scarfed them down before looking back at her.

"You really like my scarf, huh?" I chuckle.

"Mhm it's warm."

"That's nice. Anyway.." I began. I turned and shouted: "CYA ICE PRINCESS I'M GOIN' TO THE PARK WITH LUCY!"

I heard a groan from the other room. "I DON'T CARE. SHUT UP AND LEAVE PYRO!" I chuckle and look down to see Lucy holding her ears.

"You've got a pair of lungs on ya, huh.." she sighs while shaking her head.

"Whadda ya mean?"

"You're so loud!" She laughs.

"Whoops." I say while running a hand through my hair. I heard a tiny sigh escape her lips. I walked us to the park. On the way, I saw a few people also walking with their spirit on their shoulder or sometimes flying alongside them.

One guy even had a mermaid spirit like Juvia curled up in the front pocket of his T-shirt! This one had short green hair and strange hair clips.

"Oh that spirit is an A plus plus! Don't you think so too Lady Brandish?" He asks the Mermaid's spirit. He pointed at Lucy. "Stop talking Marin." She groans.

I sat on a little picnic bench. Lucy flew over and sat on the table so I could see her. She smiled. "So Natsu... uhm how long have you known Gray and the others?"

"Gray? Well we've been buddies since I came to this school three years ago. I met Gajeel and Jellal about a year after that."

"That's nice!"

"I guess so." I chuckle. "Hey Luce can I ask some questions about you?"

"Me individually, or me as a spirit?"

"Both I guess." I say with a shrug. She nodded. "Okay well how old are you?"

"I'm 18. My birthday recently passed. We are born as spirits the same year our human friend is born. We were matched and tied together by fate years ago."

"Awesome I didn't know that. Hmm what else.. oh what do you eat?"

"We don't eat much because we don't have to. Angels usually eat some sort of star material. We only eat to replenish our energy faster."

"Cool cool.. uhm do you meet other spirits?"

"Yes. Usually other angels, but I have met two phoenixes, a few mermaids and I once met a leprechaun." She says with a chuckle.

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