Her Character

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The pictures above kinda show how big they are as spirits. Consider it to be a size guide if you will. If not, idk..... pretend they're like four or five inches tall. That's a good size, yeah..

They are SMOL☺️🥺💖

Also, I watch Black Clover. If any of you do, imagine their voices are kinda like the wind spirit Bell's voice. Teehee.

Anyhow, yay new chapter! Again, slow updates for this. I'm happy I can post another chapter of this though! It was pretty much positive feedback. I'm so glad! 💞👆

Chapter begins now. Don't forget Natsu POV.

After school, my friends and I met up at the park. They called out their spirits. Juvia plopped onto Grays head. Erza perched on Jellal's left shoulder. Gajeel just held a hand out and Levy sat there.

"H-how do I call out my spirit?" I ask.

"You just need to think about her, then ask for her assistance." Jellal says. I raise an eyebrow and look at him. Erza nodded on his shoulder.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a second. I thought of my feisty little angel companion Lucy. I thought to myself: 'Hey Lucy, could you come out? I need you.'

I didn't really know what to say. I opened my eyes when I felt a little weight in my scarf. I looked down to see Lucy curled up in my scarf.

"You called?" She teased. I saw that little smirk on her face.

"For an angel, you seem to be a little devil." I snicker. She scoffed, but not before rolling her eyes at me.

"Whatever Natsu."

"Aw c'mon you're the one who said we needed to chat."

"Well yeah because you were being difficult and not accepting me." She pouted. Awh crap. I hope I didn't offend her or something..


"Oh? That's all you have to say Natsu?"

"Uh. Yeah. What? Did you want me to say something else?" I ask while cocking my head to the side.

"Never mind.. I don't know you too well, but I feel that arguing with you would be pointless."

"Oi that's mean! I thought we were supposed to be friends and that you'd guide me or something."

"That may be true, but friendships aren't automatic. They take work and dedication."

"I didn't think of it like that."

"That's probably because you don't think at all, am I correct? Also, I may be here to help you and guide you, but I don't make your decisions or things of that sort." She says while flying up to be in my face. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" I cheer while saluting her. She facepalms before looking at the other spirits. "Is he usually like this?" She asks them.

"Sadly, yes." Juvia sighs.

"He's not a lost cause, but he can't be kinda hopeless." Erza adds.

"Aw he has his good days sometimes! Give him some credit girls." Levy chuckles.

"Thank you Levy." I sigh. Wow, at least someone has a little hope for me.

"Oi Levy don't compliment salamander." Gajeel snickers.

"You can't tell me what do to, you big oaf!"

"Oh yeah shortie?"

"Try me Gajeel." She growls. It's not intimidating in the slightest though. Gajeel moved his hand to the side and Levy fell. She caught herself with her wings before hitting the ground.

Levy just spawned some oil and it drenched Gajeel before she returned to the spirit world. "Gihi. Worth it." Gajeel chuckled.

Gray and I decided to head to our dorm room. Juvia and Lucy went back to their spirit world. Gray and I walked in silence all the way home. I went directly to my room and flopped onto the bed.

I put my hands on my head and shook my head slightly. I began to think. Shocking, right?

They say; 'your spirit's personality reflects the opposite of your character.' Whatever the hell that means...

I never fully understood what those books about spirits were getting at. Now I understand more after seeing my friends with their spirits.

You see, Juvia is very kind and emotional. Gray tends to be distant. He also acts rude and heartless at times. Not all the time though, but he's so cold and uptight- and Juvia's pretty much the opposite.

Maybe she'll help change him. It's fine if he stays the same though. It's not like being cold's ever bothered him anyway.

Jellal a is very go-with-the-flow type of guy. Erza is more of a leader. He's submissive and kindhearted in all honesty. Erza is dominant and overbearing. She's also loud whereas Jellal is more quiet.

Gajeel is big and intimidating. Levy is tiny and fragile. She's also a goody two shoes- the complete opposite of Gajeel's delinquent behavior. Levy is very smart and kind. I'm not saying Gajeel's an idiot, but he's no Einstein.

I mean neither am I so.....

Anyway, it really makes me wonder how Lucy will be. I mean I'm pretty outgoing and fun. I love adventures and goofing off. I hate following rules and I'm-

Oh no.

I can see it now.

She's gonna control me, isn't she? I mean from her evil smirk she gave me there's no doubt about it! I'm not saying she won't be fun or anything, but my number one thing is goofing off and ignoring the rules.

She's gonna be a prissy rule follower, isn't she? Hah it's wrong of me to just assume, but I don't care. I'd rather prepare for the worst.

If there's one good thing though, I'm pretty slow. I slack off a lot and get confused easily. I'm sure she'll be smart and help me better myself. That's a positive.

It's been less than a day, and I'm changing! Ah! Not good! Abort, abort!

My thoughts were interrupted my someone clearing their throat. I look around confused. "Down here brainiac." I hear. I look down on my pillow and see Lucy sitting crisscross applesauce.

"When'd you get here?" I wonder.

"A few minutes ago. You thought about me and I came. Then you zoned out for a little. Is something on your mind?" She asks me.

Wait... so when I thought about her and my personality, she felt that and appeared to help me..? AWESOME! Kinda creepy.. BUT AWESOME!

"I mean yeah.." I say while scratching my head.

"What's up?"

"Why should I tell you?" I snicker.

"Well, isn't that why I'm here?" She asks while standing up. She flew over and curled up in my scarf. I guess she likes it there. "I'm here to help you with your problems too Natsu."

"Well if you must know, I was thinking about what you may be like."

"Oh. Well we could get to know each other for a little if that's what you'd like. It may be fun!" She cheered. Fun, huh? Let's hope so!

"Okay Luce let's do it."


"Yup. We're gonna become friends right? I though a nickname may be nice too!" I cheer while giving her a grin.

I heard a little giggle. "Alright then Natsu. I'm glad we're on the same page! Let's get this friendship started."

A/N: Yay new chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading. It's fun to make, but I do get a little writers block with it.

Words: 1097

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