Wendy (pt. 2)

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Hey guys! Here is an update for The Mythical Spirits That Guide You. I hope you enjoy. It's part two, continuing off from where we left off last chapter.

Little surprise, but it's in a Lucy POV today!

Woohoo! Let's begin!!

Natsu and his mom just embraced for what felt like an eternity. It was a sweet moment. I really enjoyed all the stories Natsu told me of his childhood. It was nice to see him reminiscing.

They kept their hold on each other. I flew in front of Natsu so he could see me better. I winked and disappeared back to my world. The spirit world.

I sent Natsu a message. I don't do it often, but he can hear my voice tell him something briefly. It lets us communicate without having to speak or even be in the same world.

I said 'call me back there soon. For now, catch up with your mom.'

I went directly to my little pod and sat with my nikora as I pulled out a book. Plue's like the equivalent of what humans consider to be a dog!

I invited Levy over. She came from the fairy realm and happily walked in with her pet exceed named Lily. He's like a cat.

You see, there are 23 different realms- each for a different species of us I guess. We're all quite friendly towards each other. There is no hostility, even with spirits like imps or sirens that are seen to be more 'evil.' Why would there be? We're all trained for the same reasons; to be the best guide we can be.

Anyway, I told Levy about my day with Natsu. I felt a really weird pull towards him- like a magnet. Levy got really excited and explained to me that is how she felt the first time she was able to use her human form like two weeks ago.

I guess Natsu and I have grown really close then! I'd assume so after today. It was a sad topic of course, but it helped our relationship as spirit and soul grow.

"I'll try to use it later. It's a perfect time too, now that he's a little happier!" I tell Levy.

"That's so cute. I can't wait for you to use it with everyone else there too soon. I won't tell anyone yet, but I'm excited!" She cheers.

I heard Natsu call for me. 'Luce, you can come now!' He said. He sounds a little happier. I'm glad. He's an idiotic goofball, but Natsu deserves all the happiness in the world. He's a pure soul, and I'm happy to be the one that gets to guide him.

I bid Levy goodbye and disappeared. I reappeared I'm the human world. I was curled in Natsu's scarf. It's so warm and cozy. I absolutely love it there! It's so toasty!

I looked around and saw that we were somewhere else. "We're in my childhood home." Natsu explains. I look at him and nodded.

"Luce I had a question, then my mom wants to meet you." Natsu says. I adore the little nickname he gave me. I smiled and nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

"Well.. what happens to spirits when the person their attached to dies young..?" he asks sadly.

He's probably wondering considering it is what would've happened to whoever Wendy's spirit is. "They become designated for lost souls.."

"Lost souls?" He wonders.

I nodded. "Lost souls. The people that feel they've lost their purpose. It usually happens with criminals or just regular people who have lost their way." I explain. Natsu nodded sadly.

We walked out of his room and into a living room. His mom walked out and looked at me. I flew over and smiled kindly. "Hello. I'm Natsu's spirit, Lucile. Everyone calls me Lucy. It's nice to meet you."

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