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Hey everyone! Here's a new chapter of

*clears throat*


Y'all know I just long the long ass acronym lol. Any who, I decided to write a little instead of listen to my math class. Yay fun times! It's fine I'm fine...

Like I've said, it's written in a Natsu POV. As per usual; comment, vote and follow for more!

Also feel free to react with those cute things like the laughing koala or the pig with hearts.
🤣🐨 🐷💕


I went to the dorms and no one was there. I didn't go on my phone all winter break- mom took it away. I pulled it out of my bag and charged it. After a few minutes, it powered on and I saw 137 missed messages and about 26 missed calls. They were all from the guys, Lisanna and Flare. I texted Gray.

'Yo ice prick, wya?'

While I waited for a response I was going to make a snack and- *ding* Well that was fast. I checked my phone.


'Uhhhh I ended up going home but I'm back.'

'We're heading back. Stay there ya idiot.'

Like I was gonna leave anyways... Well I'm staying Gray, but not because your dumbass told me to. I sighed heavily and just waited for them to burst in. I ate some chips and watched TV in our living room.

"Oi Flame Brain!" I hear from behind the door. I then heard keys jiggling and saw Gray opened the door. Jellal and Gajeel burst in behind him as well. All their spirits were with them in their usual places; atop Gray's head, perched on Jellal's shoulder and sitting on Gajeel's hand.

"You totally missed going to Cana's vacation house with us." Gajeel satated.

I shrugged. "Sorry?"

"You should be." Gray mumbled.

"Oh Natsu, the boys and us were all worried." Levy announced.

"You imbecile. Why didn't you reach out to the boys?! They were this close to sending out a search warrant for you." Erza grumbled.

"Yeah.." Gray said while scratching the back of his head. "Just...... just don't worry us like that, 'kay?"

"I won't. Hey I'm sorry man." I said while standing from my chair. Gray and I bumped forearms and laughed. "I didn't mean to worry you guys. It was just really unexpected, y'know.. me going home."

"Well just let us know next time. They were worried." Erza says.

"Oi I wasn't." Gajeel grumbled. Jellal just shrugged.

"So they were worried? What about you Gray?" I tease.

He rolled his eyes. "Not worried about you just.. bored I guess. No one was there to argue with or have contests. It'd be more fun with your dumbass there."

"Natsu is a love rival?!" Juvia exclaimed.

"A WHAT?!" I shout.

"What the crap?!" Gray shrieked.

Next thing I know, I was hit with scolding hot water currents. It burned and I was in a lot of pain. "Gah! What the hell Juvia?!" I cry in agony while clutching onto my arm.

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