Give Me The 411

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This book will have a lot of time skips, but I don't know where I want to take it.

It was meant to be a shorter book. No longer than like 15ish chapters or so.. lol. You won't see as much character development, but I still think you'll enjoy this book.


"But Gray! I'm so stressed damn it!" I groan while fingering through the pages of my textbook.

"I told you Pyro that you should've paid attention in class!" Gray yells from his room.

"But I don't know where to begin on studying!"

"Don't complain to me! ASK LUCY ya idiot!"

Lucy! Right! I focus and call her out. Feeling the weight in my scarf, I look down to see her dainty legs kicking around. "Luce ya gotta help me!" I plead.

"What's wrong? This seems urgent." She says while flying up. We were face to face and she had concern written all over her facial features.

"You're here to help me, right?"


"Well I need help studying! I have a test in history and I'm so lost."

"Okay. What is the test on?"

"Uh history. I just told you.."

She facepalmed. "I know the subject! I mean what part of history."

"I dunno. Wasn't paying attention.." I chuckle nervously. She sighed and put a smile on her face.

"Well lucky for you, I like to learn. We can learn it together!"

"Oh. Good." I say sarcastically. She sat on my shoulder and read parts of the book. I tried to read it too, but I wasn't understanding it at all!

"Oh so we're learning about the bombing on Ishgar's shores from X593."

"Oh so like 200 years ago?"

"Roughly, yes!"


"So what was the reasoning for it?" Luce asks.

"Alvarez wanted our natural resources! Ishgar raised tariffs that the Alvarez monarchy didn't like."

"Right! What are some examples of these resources they wanted?"

"Uhhh... coal!"

"Correct. Give me two more!"

"....... gold?"


"And uhhhhh...... potatoes?"

"..... somewhat? I mean not the vegetable itself Natsu. Remember that they wanted the fertile soil for crops. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am! Keep going."


We studied for about two hours. I hate studying, but I wanna graduate this year. I don't wanna flunk. I almost had to repeat 11th grade last year. Luckily Gramps let it slide. He won't do the same this year.

He said only As and Bs this year. No Cs even though they are a passing grade. It's fair only because he let me pass last year with mostly Cs and Ds- one F too... I had an A in P.E. though!

Studying with Luce was kinda fun however. She helped me understand it by making fun mnemonics and relating it to things I'll remember.

I took a break to make dinner for myself. It's currently Tuesday night. My history test in Mr. Gildarts' class is third period tomorrow.

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