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Yay I have returned:3


Remember it's Natsu POV

Lucy and I went on a few more rides. We also played some carnival games. Well.. I played most games. She couldn't really do much, although she did try!

"Hey Luce let's get a carnival snack before we head back to the dorms." I say. The sun was setting. I didn't realize we were here all day!

"You can!" She cheers.

"You don't want some?"

"I'm not sure I can even have it."

"I'm sure you can. Jellal gives Erza some strawberry cake all the time!"

"Really? Okay, I'll try something! You pick!"

I scanned over some options. There was funnel cake, fried oreos, ice cream, snow cones and more. I decided on two scoops of strawberry ice cream.

I put some on a spoon for Lucy before I began to eat mine. I held the spoon for her while I held my cone with my other hand. She happily ate it. "Ooo it's so good!" She cheered.

After she ate it all, I began to munch on the cone I still had. We walked back to the apartment. Err I walked. Lucy was, as usual, curled in my scarf.

"Hey Natsu? You always wear this scarf. Mind me asking why?"

"Oh. Well my mom's spirit was named Igneel. He's a dragon! Igneel was like a father figure to me because I never knew my real father. Anyway, mom collected his scales over time and made a scarf for me."

"I think that's wonderful."

When we went inside our dorm building, Gray was in the common room. Gajeel and Jellal were here too! When they saw I walked in with Lucy, they called for their spirits.

A flash of blue, Juvia appeared over Gray's head with some water. A red light appeared. Then flames and a small wave of heat. Erza perched on Jellal's shoulder. A flash of orange followed by some yellow sparkles, Levy sat on Gajeel's hand that he held out.

It's funny how they all have a routine down.

"Guys.. LUCY IS THE BEST!!" I cheer. Lucy giggled before flying down on the coffee table.

"Oh really? What'd she do?" Erza asks.

"We had so much fun at the carnival!" Lucy cheered. All my friends looked at me shocked.

"T-the carnival?!" Gray shrieks.

"Natsu and carnival don't mix." Jellal chuckles.

"Oi now I'M nauseous.." Gajeel grumbles.

"Lucy put a spell on me that helped with my motion sickness!" Natsu cheered.

"It only works for a few hours, but it's better than nothing." Lucy adds.

"Wow they're perfect for each other.." Gajeel chuckles- then he adds; "OI LEVY. Why can't you do things like that?!"


"Poor Levy.." Lucy sighed. Then, Jellal spoke up....

"Hey guys look what Erza was able to do yesterday!"

Just then, a bright red light appeared. It was bigger and began to appear in the shape of a person. Miniature Erza grew to the size of an average human girl.

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