Train Station

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Yay new chapter!! Sorry it didn't come out sooner, but I wanted to write a lemon. That's why I published Delicious instead of this. Not that I'm mad about it ;)

As per usual, vote, comment and follow. Short announcement after the chapter as well. :3 THIS CHAPTER HAS CUTE NALU. I felt y'all could use it- I could use it too.

Back to the regular Natsu POV


Two weeks went by quickly. I spent my whole winter break with my mom and Luce. She used her human form, which I won't lie.. is pretty cute, once a day. Lucy said she wants to get used to using it more so she can maybe use the transformation longer than an hour.

Unfortunately for me though, her kicks actually affect me. She's taken this into consideration, so I try to not bother her too much when she's human-sized.

'Hey Luce, could you come out for a little?' I wonder in my head. I figure that since I take a train back today, she could use that fancy spell and I dunno.. maybe sit with me for a little on the train too like she did on the way here. It's just a thought..

"Good morning Natsu!" Lucy chirps from my scarf. I chuckle and use my pinky to ruffle her hair. "Mornin' Luce!"

"Whatcha need me for?"

"Oh well I'm leaving soon. Wanna say bye to my mom and I don't know, maybe use that cool Try Olympia spell for my motion sickness?" I wonder hopefully.

She giggled. "I'd love to say goodbye to her Natsu, but please know that the spell is called Troia! Geez.."

"That's what I said!"

"Nope. Not even close, Natsu."

I took my little travel bag and slung it over my shoulder. I walked Luce and myself to the living room where my mom was. "Hey mom."

"Natsu, good morning sweetie." She says while standing from the couch. She led me to the kitchen and put some food on a plate as I put my bag back onto the floor. "I made this a little bit ago, but you just wouldn't wake up no matter what I tried!"

"I was having a good dream..." I pout.

"Oh, really?" Lucy wondered quite sarcastically.

"Aye! I was just flying around, not a care in the world." I cheer. Lucy had a fit of giggles and I smiled down at her. Mom laughed to herself as well.

After I ate, mom picked up my bag and handed it to me. She gave me a big hug. "Thank you for coming home to me my little dragon." She began. Lucy hopped out of my scarf and turned into her human form. She joined us for a group hug.

We all pulled away from the hug and mom put a hand on Lucy's cheek. "You really are an angel. I don't think anyone but you could've convinced my little dragon to come out here."

Lucy flushed a little from the compliment. "Wow n-no one really tells me things like that... Thank you Mrs. Marvell."

"Oi we gotta go Luce." I tell her. Lucy gave my mom a quick hug goodbye. "I'll make sure he visits soon." Lucy tells my mom. "Thank you, Lucy."

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