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I'm a college graduate now. How weird is that? I've started a business alongside Gray believe it or not. It's called Fire 'n Ice. We run a popular corporation that upsells clothes and other random items.

Things have been going really well with my girlfriend too, but she's been acting really suspicious lately.

"Lis?" I muttered when the door closed.

"Hi Natsu," she smiled softly. She walked over and gave me a small hug. Holding her just doesn't feel right. Man, sometimes I wish that day two years ago turned out differently...

"So Lucy, did you enjoy our date?" I joked.

"Natsu.." she giggled. "Stop calling it that."

"Fine, what would you call it then?" I pouted.

"Hmmm... a hang out?"

"Sure," I joked, but felt really upset on the inside. Things were going so well, but Lucy had been looking around for most of the evening. I couldn't figure out what made her so on-edge.

"Natsu!" someone cheered behind me.

I turned. "Lis? Hey, how are ya?"

Memories. They came rushing back. I remember the sadness in Lucy's eyes. How happy I was to see Lis pop up out of the blue. Why was I so happy?

We made more plans to hang out, which turned into something more. Lucy didn't show up as often. I haven't even seen her in a few days.

Lately, she's come maybe twice a week- and only when I call for her.

"Natsu, baby, what's wrong?"

"Well I just—"


"Lisanna, why do you smell like cologne?"

"What?" she gasped. "N-no, that's yours. You're smelling yourself."

"Don't doubt my nose," I pouted. I took another big inhale. "And I don't smell like coconuts."

"S-sure you do.."

"No," I growled. "Lisanna, did you really have to stay late in the office... to work?"

"I had a job to do!"

"Yeah, I'm sure someone did get a job. Who was it?"

"What do you—"

"It's... your boss, isn't it? That weird guy who always sticks out is tongue?"

"... How did you know?" Lisanna muttered as she looked down.

"I saw him put his hand on your thigh at that dinner we had last month. Don't think I wouldn't notice something like that."

"If it was a month ago, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I believed in us," I told her. "I believed we had a future together."

"Ugh, I'm done here," Lis huffed.

"That's right, you are done here. So pack up your shit and get out of my house."

"Natsu! I-I can't... I'll be on the streets!"

"No, you could always go stay at that man whore's house," I grin.

"But Bixy has a girlfriend..." she sighed. That just makes me sick. I glared at her and Lisanna slowly began to put some of her stuff into bags.

Man, I'm finally free from her. I closed my eyes and focused my energy until there was a bright light. I opened my eyes and smiled sadly. "Hey Lucy."

"Natsu," she smiled. Lucy looked around confused. "Hm, what's all this?"

"Lisanna is moving out," I say bitterly.

"Really?" Lucy asked, not fully believing it.

Just then, Lisanna came through the door with a bag, dragging it across the floor. "Heavy," she groaned.

"Why?" Lucy wondered, but I saw right through her. She couldn't be happier right now.

"Do you hate Lis?" I suddenly asked. Lucy looked at me. "You can say yes Luce."

"Well I thought it was obvious," Lucy shrugged. "I never hated her until... well, until you two started dating a few years ago."

"Ah... okay. Well she's moving because I kicked her out."


"She... she's just a cheater," I sniff. I looked down at my hands. A tear escaped my eye. "I know it's not me, right? I didn't do anything... I'm a good person. Yeah," I reassured myself.

I felt a warm embrace. I glanced up to see golden hair and a little white dress. "Obviously," Lucy began, "it isn't because of you or something you did. It's all her doing. You're more than enough."

"Thanks Lucy," I grin. You know my mom told me something once; anyone can make you smile and anyone can make you cry, but it takes a special person to make you smile with tears in your eyes.

"Natsu, I uh.. I need to tell you something tomorrow," Lucy sighed while breaking the hug. "It's important."

"Why so serious Luce?" I joke.

She didn't smile. She didn't do anything but stare out the window into the dark night. "I'm sorry, but please just know it's not my choice."

"Your choice?" I wonder.

"Mhm," Luce hums. "It's someone else's."

"Okay then. Explain tomorrow?" I wonder hopefully.

"Oh yeah, sure... tomorrow," Lucy muttered. She looked back at me. "Get some rest, 'kay?"

"Yeah okay."

A/N: Oh hey lovelies! I know it's been a while, so this writing isn't necessarily the best. However, I did plan out the ending to the story before I left for the summer. Next chapter is the last, so be prepared! :)

Word Count: 801

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