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The fun has arrived!~ 🎶

It's been over a week. I'm sorry lovelies. I threw this together because I have so much going on in my fourth quarter for school that I won't have as much time to work and upload. I want to finish this book before summer when I leave for sleep away camp.



Tomorrow is Natsu's birthday. I mean yes it's exciting, but that means it's our one year anniversary- FROM WHEN WE MET. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lately, I've just been feeling things around that idiot. I feel all warm and fuzzy when I'm with him.

The thing is, he's been feeling different around me too. I can feel his emotions, and lately they are getting harder for me to recognize. What is that feeling he and I both get? It's a good feeling. I thought I had ideas of what it could be, but there's just no way he'd feel that way for me.

I know that I can't rush things or make assumptions. I just don't want to seem all awkward around him.

I felt Natsu drift off to sleep. I walked over to my little table and picked up the gift for him. Even though he probably didn't get me anything, I still needed to give him something. He means a lot to me.

I picked it up and smiled. I hope he likes it. Natsu told me how much he loves dragons the first time we hung out at the park. When I went to his house, I saw a picture of Natsu, Wendy and Mrs. Marvell's spirit Igneel when he was in his dragon form. When I was at the store, I saw a little keychain with a fire charm and a cool dragon on it that looks almost identical to Igneel.

A keychain isn't much, but it's the most I could do. I mean I did have to use his money...

I put it down and walked to my little bed. I pulled out my book and picked up from where I left off. I soon after went to sleep.


I appeared bright and early. Natsu was still asleep, so I creaked open his door and snuck out to the living room. I shut the door quietly behind me. Natsu's roommate was sweeping and accidentally smacked me with the broom. "Sorry Lucy!" He whispered.

I rubbed my head and felt a little dizzy. "I-it's fine Max." I whispered back. "Anyone here yet?"

"Only Jellal." Max responded before he kept sweeping. I looked around to see Jellal in the kitchen making some breakfast. Erza was on the counter eating a strawberry. I talked with her for a little while we waited. Eventually Gajeel showed up. Gray was last.

I hugged Levy and Juvia. It's been some time since I've seen Juvia, but I did see Levy about a week ago. We hung at her yurt in the fairy realm to talk about a book.

"Okay everyone's here. Can we wake Salamander yet?" Gajeel huffed in a whisper. "I'm hungry."

"Sure we can wake him." I told them. Gray smirked and grabbed a pillow. I grew to my human for and stood in front of Gray. "Nicely." I scold with a glare. He pouted and put the pillow down.

The girls all transformed. Everyone walked behind me to Natsu's door. I opened it and Natsu was sleeping with his back turned to face us. I sat on the side of his bed and shook him gently.

Natsu turned and grabbed my waist, accidentally pulling me into the bed. I let out a squeal. Everyone laughed in the doorway. Natsu hugged my waist and smiled in his sleep. My face heated up in embarrassment as his head rested on my breast.

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