A Freshman

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Wow, a year time skip. I'm predicting like 3-5 chapters left. Not sure. That's always fun.

Don't have much else to say lovelies, though I do have 2 project ideas. I might start one and release it after summer ends. It's not my main focus, that's why. Also, I won't be around much this summer. I'll explain soon enough.

Now get to reading!


Over the summer I moved out of my dorm with Max. I'll be getting a new roommate soon. Mom is driving me back to college as we speak.

I'm sitting shotgun with Lucy in my scarf. Lucy looked up at me and smiled. "What's got you so happy Luce?" I ask her.

"I want to go to the cafe," she laughed. "And I'm thinking about their blueberry muffins. Oh how I've missed them!" I smiled and pat her little head.

"Oh a café? Mind if I join?" mom asks from the drivers seat.

"Of course," Lucy chirps. She then looked back at me. "Hey Natsu, is it weird to you that you'll be a sophomore in college?"

I sighed. "Yeah a little bit. I'm not sure what I wanna do," I shrugged while gazing out the window.

"You have time to figure that out," mom says. "What do you like? We know you're good at math, breaking things, you like fire... hmm."

"We're here," I sigh, ending the conversation I don't want to have. I opened my door and Lucy excitedly got out of my scarf. She grew and helped mom grab boxes while I picked up a desk chair. Ugh moving day sucks.

While going back and forth from the room to the car, Lucy sometimes would get cat calls. "Natsu?" she'd always ask. "I'm fine," I'd huff. Fucking perverts.

That word reminds me of the stripping bastard. Man, I miss him. The upside this year is Jellal and I were able to dorm together. Jellal is arriving in two days, so I got first dibs on the room I wanted.

"Natsu, this is the last one," Lucy tells me while lugging a big brown box through the door. She couldn't even wrap her arms around it. Her hands wouldn't meet! "Luce, I got it," I offer while taking the box from her hands. She smiled weakly and slumped on the chair behind her.

After I put the box down in my room, I walked back out. Mom was organizing some of my school things in a desk while Lucy was flopped on the chair, not giving a care for the world. She looked at me and got up excitedly. "Café?"

"Sure," I laugh. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to my mom. "We're gonna go to the café now. Will you be joining us?" Lucy asks politely.

"No, I think I'll let you two go. I'll stay here and organize more of Natsu's things. Have fun, and bring me back a hazelnut coffee," mom explained while handing me her credit card. She smirked at me when a Lucy turned around. I gulped.

I finally admitted to my mom I might like Luce. You know.. as in more than friends. I like like her. I've been pretty good about not alerting Lucy to my feelings, though we did grow a little closer of summer break. I'm happy about that.

We spent break at Cana's beach house and then the last week I stayed with my mom which was nice. Lucy can stay in her transformation for two house now, and her magical strength has also increased.

"Natsu, what are you gonna get?"

"I dunno. I'm pretty hungry though," I shrug. "Maybe I'll get one of everything!"

"Baka!" Lucy scolded while smacking me upside the head. She frowned and folded her arms, but when she turned her head I saw her lips curl into a smile. Still, every little thing she does makes me like her even more.

"Whaa? Why?" I pout. "It's your moms card. Don't spend all her money on food that you'll scarf down in two seconds," Lucy explains.

"Since when did you become so considerate?" I teased. "Shut up..." she groaned. We arrived at the cafe and I held the door open for her. She thanked me and walked inside.

When we got to the counter, I let Lucy order first. "A blueberry muffin, please!" Luce beamed with sparkles in her eyes. "I'll get a bacon, egg and cheese croissant. Also a medium hazelnut coffee. It's all to go," I say while handing the guy the card.

"Natsu?" We hear behind us.


"Natsu!" she exclaimed. Lis ran over and hugged me. I could visibly see a Lucy roll her eyes with a slight frown. Is she jealous? I never know with her.

I cautiously hugged Lis back. "Uh, hey! How are you Lis?" I ask awkwardly.

"I'm good. I forgot you went here!"

"Oh? Well, uh yeah, I do," I shrugged. "I didn't know you enrolled here. That's great."

"Yup! Hey, hopefully we can hang out soon."

"Uh, yeah maybe we could. Like old times," I gulp. I mean I love Lis, I do. She's like a sister to me, but after that Halloween dance we kinda lost contact. The last time I spoke to her was in that Spring with Flare in the hallway. I can't tell if she still likes me in that way or not. I don't want her to. I want her to move on.

"Order 57!" a voice called. I checked my ticket and Lucy peaked over my shoulder. "Oh Natsu, that's ours. Well, it was nice seeing you again Lisanna," Lucy said indifferently. She smiled and tugged my arm to the counter.

The whole walk back to my dorm I had a smirk on my face. "What Natsu?" Lucy huffed. "Do you not like Lisanna, or do you not like her when she's around me?"

"What? I-I like Lisanna. She seems nice," Lucy shrugs. I roll my eyes and we kept walking. "So, you wouldn't mind if I did hang out with her?"

"I can't control everything you do in your life."

"Alright, then maybe I'll meet up with her some time. She's one of my close childhood friends after all," I ponder while glancing at Lucy. She frowned and looked down. "I think that's a good idea, Natsu. Have fun."

"Thanks. You don't have to sound so dry about it though," I chuckle while cupping the back of my neck. "Wasn't dry," she muttered.

We reached my dorm and I held the door open for Lucy. She put my mom's coffee on the counter and I put the bag with our food down too. I handed Lucy her muffin, which she greedily accepted.

"Oh you're back," mom greets while walking out of my room. She grabbed the coffee and took a sip.

"We ran into Lisanna," I tell mom while looking from her to Lucy. Mom was confused, but then made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"So Lucy honey, erm how was the walk?" Mom asked her. Lucy looked up at us. She swallowed and just shrugged. "It's was nice."

"Mm," mom hummed lightly. Mom looked from me to Lucy and pinched the ridge of her nose. "Why are you so awkward?" mom whispers. I glare at her and turned back to Lucy. I sat on the chair next to her and take a bite of my food. "Hey Luce, let's do something," I began.

Lucy looked at me and tilted her head to the side. "Eh?"

"I dunno. It doesn't have to be crazy, but something we can do together. Just me and you," I grin.

"Okay Natsu, I'd like that," Lucy chirped. She took another bite of her muffin and I looked at mom. I wore a smirk that screams victory, but mom gave me a look as if to remind me 'you got the date, now you have to go on it.'


A/N: another rando chappie is done! Didn't really go over this one. Meh, it's been like two weeks and I've had a stressful time between my social life, school deadlines, procrastination and my little meltdown. :3

I'm thriving.

Anyway, that's all for now. Might see you guys in a few days for a chapter of E.T. Also, collab is still in the works. Her file just deleted twice. Her laptop is sus.

That's all for now!

Word Count: 1261

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