Incidents In College

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Here we come,
walkin' down the street
We get the funniest looks
from every one we meet~

Don't mind me. I was watching friends and that part is STUCK MY MY HEAD-

*groans* anyway, I have a new chapter of TMSTGY for you lovelies! I hope you enjoy.

Don't let the title scare you too bad.. but just a warning, for angry Natsu will appear. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, last chapter it was like end of their school year. Pretty much early June. This is a time skip to early August and the start of Natsu's fall semester.


I've settled into the dorm. It's been about a week since I got here. School officially starts today- unfortunately.

It was weird at first waking up and not clashing with Gray, but my new roommate is pretty chill. Jellal is across the hall, so I'm happy he'll be around too.

I walked out of the kitchen and into our little living area with a TV and two chairs.

"Good morning roomie!" I hear. I turned around to see my roommate sweeping.

"Oh. Hey Max." I say with a half smile.

"Do you have any classes today?" He asks.

"Yeah. I got classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays." I tell him.

"Ah. I've got Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays." He sighs.

I walked to my room and grabbed a small bag. I thought college would be more fun! It's like what the hell man? I graduated high school just to go to another school?

I'd like to have a word with the person who invited school. Is that possible?

I sighed as I stuffed a notebook and some pencils in my bag. 'Lucy wanna walk with me?' I wonder.

'Sure, but you do the walking. I'll just sit pretty in your scarf.' She giggled. The bright light appeared and Lucy smiled up at me from my scarf.

"Hi Natsu!"

"Hey Luce!"

"You felt bummed or upset earlier. How come you're happy now?"

"I was bummed because of school and classes, but I'm happy because you're here!" I tell her.

"Aw! Well I'm happy you're happy, Natsu." She chirped.

"Bye Max!" I call out while opening the door.

"Cya." He says while putting the broom away. Do I find it weird he brought his own broom and even has a decorated holder for it? A little...

I walked past the common room where some people were doing work or just hanging out. Once outside, I kept walking along the sidewalk under the trees. The campus is big, but it's really nice here.

While walking, I told Lucy all about my day yesterday after she left. She helped me unpack my final items, then I let her rest while I got to know Max a little better.

"Well it looks like you have class now Natsu." Lucy tells me when I stop walking. I glare at the sign that reads 'Engineering Hall.'

"Hey, what if I ditch and we just go to the park or something!" I suggest. I turned around and walked away from the big brick building.

Lucy jumped out of my scarf. She grew next to me and sighed. "Lucy kick!" She shouts as her foot lands a kick on my ribs. "You baka. You're not ditching on your FIRST DAY OF CLASS!" Lucy groaned.

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