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Heyo. Random ass chapter today. It deals with Halloween, my favorite holiday, because I needed something in between for next chapter.

You see, next chapter will be like in the winter time. End of November-ish. Ah, you'll see next week...

Don't forget Natsu POV.

"Hey Luce!" I cheer when a white light appears. I never really noticed that golden sparkles also trickled down. My eyes are usually closed when I call her. Now I'm able to keep them open and not concentrate so much.

"Natsu good morning!" She chimed while getting out of my scarf. She flew over and sat on the desk. I had my laptop open and on our online grade book website.

"Luce I don't wanna check." I sigh. My grade is at an 81. I need a decent grade to keep it at a B!

"Want me to look first?" She asks while placing her tiny hand on top of my hand. I smile down at her.

"We can look together."

"Okay Natsu!"

I click a few buttons and it was loading. I held my breath and clicked onto Gildarts' class. An 83 in the class?

My grade moved UP?!

I look to see I got a 88.. that's a B+ on the test! "Luce I got a B+!" I cheer.

"Yay Natsu!!!" She chirped. She held up her tiny hand. I went to high-five her, but then I almost smacked her into the desk... I didn't wanna squish her like a bug, so I stopped close to her and used my pinky to 'high-five' my feisty angel companion.

"Thanks Luce you helped me a lot!"

"No problem Natsu, but you did this on your own! Good job."


I've had Lucy around for nearly three months now. It was now autumn. The month was currently October. I've been doing a little better in school too.

Lucy even comes on her own sometimes when I'm in class because she can feel me dozing off. She'd come and kick my cheek. Of course it felt like someone just flicked a piece of paper at me, but it still brought my attention back to the teacher.

She's become closer to Levy as well. They found out they connect a lot on books and even made plans so they could somehow hang out in their spirit world.

Erza turns into her human form more often. It still only lasts an hour because it saps away her magic power, but she's able to do it once a day now. It's cool and all, but she's scary! She enjoys bashing Gray's head against mine when we argue. Not fun for us though.

Halloween was coming up in two weeks. That's always fun. I'm gonna be a demon because Lucy is an angel. I'd be a devil, but Erza would think I'm making fun of her or something. Then, she'd probably plague my house and reign down terror.

Also, a demon suits me. It's a lot cooler than being a boring devil. Don't tell Erza I said that!

Anyway, Flare keeps trying to make Halloween plans with me for the dance. Lisanna asked me too. We're going as friends. She's a year younger than me, so she doesn't have a spirit.

I figured Luce and I could keep her company, plus, Flare may not bother me as much if I say I already am going with someone.

Gray is going with a childhood friend named Ultear. Jellal is going with his childhood friend Meredy and Gajeel is going alone. He's just like that..

"Natsu it's nice you're going with a friend to that dance!" Luce cheers.

"Thanks Luce. You'll be with us too." I say with a cheeky grin.

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