This can't be good

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Sam and Penny had finished up their traditional Welsh Breakfast when they heard something from the guest room where Ellie is. Penny had grabbed her first aid bag and Sam joined her to find Ellie who was sitting in bed with the bucket in hand. They were surprised to see their newest firefighter really ill, Sam walked over and sat down beside her. "How are you feeling, Ellie?" He asked.

"I feel terrible, Sam."

"I know, Ellie. But it takes time for you to get better before we can all get back to the station."

"Yes, Sam."

Penny joined them and set her bag down on the opposite side of Ellie. She opened it and pulled out some gloves. She put them on and pulled out some pain medicine. "Alright, Ellie. I know you're scared of needles, but I'm going to have to give you something for the pain. It'll only hurt for a second." Penny said

"Ok, Penny. Can I look away for this one?"

"Sure, Ellie. Why don't you close your eyes and that way you won't have to see it."

"Thanks, Penny."

Sam was doing his best to keep Ellie calm while Penny had started to relieve the pain that Ellie was in. Ellie was looking away while Penny did what she had to do. Soon, Penny had finished and placed a plaster where the needle was. "Ok, Ellie. You're safe now. I'll just check you over now." said Penny as she untangled her stethoscope.

"Thanks, Penny. I'm just glad I didn't see it."

"Me too, Ellie. I just hope this works." 

Sam walked out to phone Helen for an update on Ellie's condition while Penny was looking after her. He didn't realize he saw Helen pull up to the front door in her ambulance. So, he walked over to the door and opened it to let her in. "Ah, Helen. I was just about to call you and yet you're here in like 5 minutes." He called from the doorway.

"Indeed I was, Sam. I'm just here to see how Ellie is doing. Any updates that I need to know about?"

"Yeah, she's just with Penny right now. We were just finishing up our breakfast when we heard her from the kitchen. She was in a terrible amount of pain, and Penny had to give her some pain medicine to relieve it for a while."

"I see, it happens sometimes when we all are taken ill. But, it is easy to take care of when you have someone to look after you."

"Of course, Helen. Erm, would you care for some tea?"

"Certainly, Sam. I'll set everything down in the sitting room, and then I'll join you."

Sam walked back to the kitchen to put the kettle on for him, Penny, and Helen while Penny was taking care of Ellie. she had just finished checking her over when Ellie reached out to her. "What is it, Ellie?" Penny asked.

"Oh, Penny. I was fine earlier this morning, and now it keeps getting worse. I know you had some pain medicine to stop the pain for some time, but I feel like I may need to know where it is coming from." Ellie replied sadly.

"I know, Ellie. It's a mystery into how it happened. I think we need to bring in Helen for this one. I'll be right back."

Penny can see that her new friend was in a situation that she was never in before. So, she went to find Sam and Helen in the Kitchen. Sam was just waiting for the kettle to finish when Penny came out to have them see what she had found. "Hello, Sam. Hi, Helen." Penny said as she entered the Kitchen.

"What's the news on Ellie right now, Penny?" Helen asked looking concerned.

"Well, she tells me that she doesn't know how it happened, and she would need to know where it is coming from."

"Don't worry, Penny. I'll find that out soon enough. I think I had another case like this before Sam had that problem. Gareth tells me that Tom had it when they were up in the mountains before your new Fire Station was built."


"Yeah, It might be something to do with the sausages or maybe whatever they catch in the forest."

Sam, Penny, and Helen went to find Ellie in the guest room. They were surprised by what they have seen. Norman Price was up to his pranks again. Sam saw that Norman left some chili powder with a bunch of other items in the slice of toast that Penny had for Ellie. So, he went to catch up with him, but he had gone by the time Sam was out in the back by the Fire Station. "Well, I think we found our answer to what caused Ellie to be taken ill." He called from the sitting room.

"Really, Sam?" Penny asked.

"Yes, in fact, he did his way of trouble to cause a go-kart crash yesterday. Do you know anything about this, Helen?" Sam asked the nurse with a look on his face thinking he saw this trick before.

"Yes, Sam. I was just at the cafe this morning. Bronwyn tells me that Sarah crashed her go-kart and you had to look after her with Penny."

"Well, I think I'll need to have another talk with Dilys later."

Sam, Penny, and Helen went back to work so that they can help Ellie. Sam was thinking about what Ellie was going to say when he tells her that Norman Price caused trouble. He looked at his phone and saw that it was only 1 pm in Pontypandy. 

Back at the Fire Station, Station Officer Steele was in his office when he saw that Norman Price made a run from Sam's house back to the shop. He was surprised when he saw Chili powder and some other ingredients out on the pavement outside the station. As he was ready to text Sam about it, he heard something from the kitchen. So, he went upstairs to see what was going on. Elvis and Arnold were moving the fire extinguishers when they were soon rolling away and caused a mess in the garage. Station Officer Steele was surprised where the fire extinguishers were until he heard something from the garage. He walked down to the garage and saw the mess by Jupiter. "GREAT TANGLED HOSES!!" He shouted.

"Sorry, Sir." Arnold said looking apologetic.

"What's going on here?"

"Ah, you see, Elvis and I were changing out the fire extinguishers in the Kitchen and then they rolled away from us."

"Really, I think I'll take this one from here. Why don't you two go to the kitchen and clean the mess on the floor from yesterday's incident."

"Yes, sir" They both replied.

Elvis and Arnold went to the kitchen while Station Officer Steele cleared the mess in the garage. He wished that Sam and Penny would be back from looking after Ellie as soon as they could. He was wondering about what Norman Price had done to hurt his firefighter, then he remembered the last time he did his pranks on the Fire Service with grease on the Pole and ruining Elvis' cooking.

Author's Note: Hi, Everyone. I apologize for the Long Delay. I have been taking a moment to transition from my PC to a new Chromebook. It takes a little longer for me to work on it. Tomorrow, I will DEFINITELY update it some more. I will update my to-do list so I can prioritize it. Monday-Wednesday starting 1/20/2021, I will be delayed from 10 am My time zone to 11:40 am in my area. Any questions, please let me know in the comments or message me. Thank you - Isaac M.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now