Time for a Plan

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Station Officer Steele was in his office when he heard his phone go off. He knew it was Sam calling him, Sam was calling him to see if he saw Norman Price. He was looking out the window to see if his leading firefighter was out in the garden, but there was no sign of him. So, he picked up the phone and answered Sam's call. "Hello, Sam. Need anything?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. I was wondering if you saw Norman Price earlier before I saw him."

"Oh, Y-yes, I have. He was carrying something and then he left it behind by the Fire Station. He left it there because he might've seen you coming out and abandoned it. DID I STUTTER?!"

"Ok, sir. I see that, and yes you did stutter. Do you think we could give him a little bit of payback?" Sam asked

"Of course, Sam. I'll tell Elvis and Arnold to meet me in the office as soon as possible."

"Alright, Sir. Penny, Helen, and I will plan our side of this prank, and later we'll have Ellie join in."

"No problem, Sam. I'll call you when we're ready."

"Good luck, sir."

"You too, Sam. I'll see you later."

Sam and Station officer Steele ended their call and Sam went to find Penny and Helen with Ellie. They decided it was time to turn the tables. Sam came in with a list of all paths to plotting their way of saying we will get you back, Norman Price. "Right, I have his bag of tricks and we have our ideas coming our way. Anyone have some ideas?" Sam asked with the bag of tricks Norman left behind by the Fire Station.

"Well, I know he doesn't like bugs. Maybe we could put a fake spider in Jupiter and a surprise snake in the kitchen." Penny replied.

"Great idea, Penny. Helen, have you thought of anything?" Sam added

"Maybe Norman doesn't like Zombies. Remember the zombie movie he was watching earlier?" Helen asked

"Yes, what makes you think that?" Sam replied.

"We could have Mandy play the role of a zombie and Mike can have some lights to make it more realistic. That would send Norman up to the Mountains."

"I like that one, what I was also thinking was that I could set up a wild beast and send him running from there. Maybe he could be scared with the shadows of zombies at the fire station with some clues and then we appear from behind. In the end, I'll tell him it was only a prank." Sam finished.

"Great idea, Sam. Anything to stop him from ruining our time taking care of Ellie."

Sam looked at Ellie who was resting, then turned back to Penny and Helen. He was worried about his new friend who joined him a day before the storm. "Why don't we go outside and plan it so that we don't wake up Ellie?" Sam said as they walked out the door to the sitting room.

Sam looked at the time, he noticed time went by and it was 2 pm in Pontypandy. He was too busy helping the others plan for a way to return a favor to Norman Price that he forgot about Ellie. He made sure that Ellie was comfortable before returning to the sitting room.

Author's Note: Hi, everyone. I apologize if this chapter is short. in 2 days, I will work on chapter 12 where Sam and Penny plan at Sam's house and there is more trouble. No, there not any emergency calls yet. Chapter 13 will come out in 4 days. Again, I apologize for the short chapter and I will get back to it soon. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments. Thank you - Isaac M.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now