Ellie tells a secret

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Out at the quay, Mandy was just about to check the ocean rescue centre when she passed by Charlie, she decided to ask him if he knew where Sarah was. It had been half an hour since Norman, James and Mandy went looking for her. "Hello, Charlie." Mandy said as she entered the Cafe.

"Hello, Mandy. Looking for Sarah, are you?"

"Yes, you haven't seen her yet?"

"Not since Bronwyn left for your house, but I heard that she was at Sam's house."

"Oh, what happened?"

"Well, I think she crashed her go-kart after Norman had loosened the pieces before the race started."

"Oh no, is she ok?"

"Yes, she'll be fine."

"Ok. Thanks, Charlie. See you later."

"You're welcome Mandy."

Charlie went back to clearing out the dustbin from the kitchen and Mandy went to find Norman and James. He was thinking that Sarah might've been hurt from the crash.

Back at Sam's house,

Penny was still checking over Ellie who had been ill for a few hours. She was surprised that Ellie would be feeling like she was when she first arrived. Ellie was still resting while Penny was taking her temperature, it had come back reading 39 degrees celsius which was the same as the first time. "Uh, Penny. I need to tell you something." Ellie said.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Well, I need to tell you this because I don't know if Sam would be ok with it."

"Sure, I'll tell him later. Right now you can tell me."

Ellie looked at Penny, she didn't want to hurt their feelings about what she was about to tell her. "I'm scared of needles." Ellie added sadly.

"Really, because I feel like Sam is afraid of them too."

"Do you really think so, Penny?"

"Yes, Ellie. I'll be here if it needs to happen."

"Thanks, Penny."

Just as Penny placed the thermometer back in the empty cup, Ellie began to reach for the bucket on the left of the bed. Soon, she threw up in the bucket and had tears in her eyes as she never felt like this before. "Oh, Penny. Why do I feel very ill? I was resting while you were busy with Sarah, now I feel it happening again." Ellie asked as she placed the bucket back on the floor in the same spot.

"I don't know, Ellie. Don't worry, Sam and I will find the best way to make you feel better."

Penny placed her hand on top of Ellie's to reassure her that she'll be alright. Ellie soon began to look very upset, she felt Penny's hand which was soon keeping her calm. It was nice of Penny to help her new friend. "Thanks, Penny. I'm just worried that it might be worse. Sam came by after I had the Terrible dream." She said sadly.

"I know, Ellie. You still have a fever, and I don't want you to make it worse. So, you should rest until I come back, maybe Sam can come too."

"Ok, Penny."

After Penny had started to walk for the door, Ellie had soon gone back to resting. Penny looked back and smiled. She went back to find Sam and Sarah in the sitting room, they were just starting to make some dinner together. "Hello, Sam. Hi, Sarah." Penny called

"Hello, Penny." Sam replied.

"What's on the Menu tonight, Sam?"

"Well, I'm making some of my favorites which would be a nice pizza for all of us to enjoy."

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now