Coming home

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Elvis was at the Fire Station clearing up for the night when his phone rang. Sam was calling him and he had no idea why. Ellie was still in the hospital with Penny, he answered it and looked around. "Hi, Sam. Need anything from me?" he asked.

"Yes, Elvis. I was wondering where the batteries were for Jupiter and Hydrus."

"They're still here. Why?"

"Both their engines won't start and we're still in Newtown. Hydrus won't start either. Can you bring the batteries to our location and Penny can re-fit them?"

"No problem, Sam. Where you at?"

"We're at Newtown hospital with Ellie, Arnold, Bronwyn, and Sarah."

"Ok, I'll tell Station Officer Steele."

"Thanks, Elvis."

Elvis and Sam ended their call and Elvis went to find Station Officer Steele. He could see that Elvis was looking for the keys to Phoenix. So, he went over and passed him the keys. "Thank you, sir." Elvis replied.

"Where you off to, Cridlington?"

"I'm off to Newtown hospital, sir."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Sam told me that they need new batteries for Jupiter and Hydrus. Penny will need to re-fit them while we wait for Ellie."

"Right, I'll see to it that you get there and drop them off."

"Yes, sir."

Elvis went down to find Phoenix beside Mercury and started the engine, but realized he needed to store the batteries safely. He stored them in the storage bins where the equipment was and brought the toolbox with him. After he stored them safely, he was on his way to Newtown hospital to meet Sam and the others there.

At Newtown Hospital,

Sam was with Arnold, Bronwyn, and Sarah. They had just been waiting to go home, but had to wait for Elvis after the engines won't start on both Jupiter and Hydrus. Just as Ellie was still sleeping, Bronwyn walked over to Penny. "Can you watch Sarah while I get us something to drink?" She asked.

"Sure, A cup of tea would be nice."

"Sam, want something to drink?"

"Yeah, just a cup of tea, please." Sam replied.

"Arnold, want a cup of tea?" Sam asked

"Sure, Sam. Maybe a cup of tea with a bottle of water." Arnold replied.

"OK, I'll be right back." Bronwyn said heading out to find the cafeteria.

Bronwyn went to find the cafe in the hospital when Elvis pulled up with Phoenix. He was surprised to see everyone here except for Station Officer Steele and Tom. He saw Sam at the front desk with Arnold and Penny with Ellie and Sarah who were both asleep. Sam went up to Elvis and asked him about the batteries. "You got the batteries, Elvis?"

"Yes, Sam. I did."

"Excellent, we'll need Penny to re-fit them."

"I'm right here, Sam." Penny called quietly.

"Thank goodness. Penny, can you re-fit the battery for Jupiter while Elvis and I fix Hydrus?"

"No problem, Sam."

Penny went out to fix Jupiter and Sam went with Elvis to fix Hydrus. Arnold was with Sarah and she relaxed in his arms after Penny was called by Sam. He felt Sarah grab the collar of his shirt and she fell asleep. Ellie was still asleep when she felt something in her line. Dr. Anderson was giving her some meds for the rash from the Chili Powder Norman had left at the house. Ellie woke up tired and she saw the curtain, Arnold, Sarah, and Dr. Anderson. "Hi, Ellie. How are you feeling right now?" Dr. Anderson asked.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now