Vehicle Trouble

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Station Officer Steele and Elvis came back from an emergency call in the Mountains and went to the kitchen, Arnold was on his way to Newtown Hospital on Hydrus. Elvis looked at the Mess and saw that Norman Price had been here. He could see the surprise snake on the floor. "Station Officer Steele, I think we scared off Norman Price again." said Elvis picking up the snake.

"Marvelous job we did there, Cridlington. Looks like Ellie will be back soon, it wasn't worse than we thought."

Elvis looked around and saw the bag of tricks on the top of his locker. He took it down and asked Sam about it. He texted him asking "Did Norman leave this behind, Sam?"

Sam texted back replying "Yes, Elvis. He did leave it behind outside my house. I'll get him back when I return." 

Elvis took the bag of tricks to Station Officer Steele's Office and told his station officer about the bag Norman left behind. Station Officer Steele was surprised with what the Items in the bag were. He took out some Chili Powder, a fake fly, and stink bombs, followed by some of the grease that he used on Hannah's wheelchair along with some tools from Mike's Toolbox.

Back at Newtown Hospital,

Ellie was still asleep after she was attached to an IV, Penny sat right next to her as Ellie felt uncomfortable being alone in the hospital. Sarah was having her leg checked by Dr. Anderson and Sam and Bronwyn were with her. Sam could see that Ellie was more comfortable with Penny driving her home, he texted Helen to let her know that they are in the hospital and Ellie is going to be here overnight. Helen texted back saying that it's all good and hope that she's alright. Moments later, Dr. Anderson finished checking Sarah's leg and came to Bronwyn and Sam. "Mrs. Jones, could I talk to you outside?" asked Dr. Anderson.

"Of course you can."

Bronwyn followed Dr. Anderson to the other side of the curtain and she was concerned about Sarah. So, she found her phone to text Charlie. Dr. Anderson had just found something odd while checking over Sarah. "I think I might've found something odd. I'm not sure what it is." she told Bronwyn.

"Oh my. Is it bad?"

"No, but I think we need to make sure it doesn't get worse."

"What do you think it is?"

"I think it might be something from a prank which caused the injuries."

"Well, I think I know who did this, but I'm not sure how."

"I see, Sarah was telling me that it may have something to do with some fencing at the park. there may have been grease on the go-kart and it caused some nasty bruises."


"Yeah, I'll have that cleared up and we'll have to take her up to x-ray. do you mind coming with us?"

"No, I don't mind. I think she might need me with her."

"That's probably a good idea."

Dr. Anderson and Bronwyn walked back to join the others and Sam was with Sarah while Penny was with Ellie. It was now 8:30 at night in Wales and Sarah was tired, but Sam had kept her awake for the entire time while Bronwyn was talking outside with Dr. Anderson. Bronwyn sat down next to Sam and Sarah. Dr. Anderson came down to Sarah's level and told her the news. "Sarah, have you had an x-ray before?" she asked.

"Yeah, a few years ago when I bruised my leg on the cliffs while with my mum and her sister's dog Nipper."

"Ok, I'm just letting you know that we're going to be heading back there to look at that leg of yours from the inside, but I found some grease on your leg too. I'll clear that up and then we'll head to x-ray. Ok?"

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now