Day 2 (still sick, but a little bit less pain)

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The Next day, Penny had just been asleep on the sofa while Sam was in his bedroom. Ellie was still asleep after the day she was taken ill, she began to let out a big yawn, then she reached for the bucket as she needed to throw up in it. Sam and Penny heard it from where they were, it was nearly 8 in the morning. So, they decided that Penny could check on Ellie. She picked up the stethoscope which was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, then she went to see how Ellie was. "Morning, Ellie." Penny called as she walked in the door.

"Morning, Penny" replied Ellie.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm still in some pain, but it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday."

"Oh, that means you have been resting after you had that terrible dream."

"Really, Penny?"

"Yes, Ellie. Sam had his fever rise up  only a little bit when he was ill."

"Oh, I see. I didn't know that."

"Yeah, it happened before you came here. Right, I just need to make sure that you're ok. It won't take long, though."

"Ok, Penny."

While Penny was checking over Ellie, Sam was in the kitchen working on some breakfast for them. He was planning to cook a Welsh breakfast for him and Penny while Ellie had a slice of toast since she was ill. He was just about to set the table and start cooking when he heard someone at the door from the garden which leads to the Fire Station. So, he went to see who it was until he saw it was Arnold. Sam was surprised to see his other friend outside the door. "Hi, Arnold. What's up?" Sam asked as he opened the door.

"Hello, Sam. I just came to see how Ellie was doing. I'm worried that it was something else."

Sam was surprised, he didn't know that Arnold had been worried about Ellie after he heard that she was ill. So, he decided to find out what made him worried. "I see, why don't you come inside? I'm cooking up some breakfast right now."

Arnold joined Sam in the house before he was back on duty at the Fire Station, He stood in front of the counter While Sam was putting the kettle on for some tea. Sam raised an eyebrow with his concern about Arnold who was worried about his best friend. So he decided to ask him how it all happened. "What makes you worry so much about Ellie?" he asked.

"Well, It was a long story, but I'll tell you how it happened."

"Ok, what is it?"

Arnold had started to tell his story to Sam about his days at the Newtown Academy. Sam began to hear what his new team member had to say from his days at the academy in Newtown.

Arnold's POV (before Pontypandy):

It was a like a long time before we joined the fire service. We were still at Newtown Fire Academy and Ellie had been finishing up her training with the others. I was cleaning the vehicles with other firefighters when I noticed that she was exhausted. So, I went over to see what was wrong, the other firefighters had raised their concerns about her. "Ellie, are you ok?" I asked.

"No, Arnold. I think I'm going to go to the kitchen after I store the hoses away."

"Are you sure, you look like you're embarrassed. Is something bothering you?"

"Ok, I guess I'll admit it. One of the recruits has been bullying me because I don't know how to carry the hoses properly."

"Don't worry, Ellie. I'll talk to him, then I'll let Chief Fire Officer Boyce know about the situation."

Ellie went to the back of the station by the lockers while I looked around to find the recruit who has been hurting my best friends feelings when I saw him by the doors to the vehicle bay thinking this whole thing was a joke. It wasn't long until I heard Ellie fall to the ground fainting from exhaustion. I moved over to check to see if she was alright. "Ellie, can you hear me?" I called trying to be careful not making it worse.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now