Sam, Ellie, Penny, and Helen

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Back at Sam's house, Penny had been busy taking care of Ellie while Sam was on his computer looking at the website for anything to help Ellie feel better. Just as Penny was checking her over, Sam heard someone knock on the back door from the Fire Station, he went to see who was there. It was Helen, she came by to see how Ellie was after she had taken care of Mandy. "Hello, Sam. I'm so sorry if I'm late." Helen said as she walked in.

Sam checked the time on his watch, then he closed the door and led Helen straight to where Ellie was. "Not a problem, Helen. I think you came just in time, Ellie's in the guest room with Penny." Sam replied

"Thanks, Sam. I'm sure that it won't be that bad."

"Me too, Helen. I'll show you where it is."

Sam and Helen soon walked into the kitchen to talk about Ellie. Penny was waiting for Sam to come back when she soon had seen the temperature on the thermometer, it was above normal reading 39 degrees Celsius. Penny soon reached in the bag for her stethoscope, she had known that Ellie had a fever. "Ellie, I can now see that you have a fever. So, I need to make sure there isn't anything else wrong with you. I just have to listen to your heart; it might be a little cold. Ok?" Penny said as she helped Ellie sit upright a little bit.

"Ok, Penny. I hope Sam is still around, I'm getting worried." replied Ellie.

Penny placed her hand on top of Ellie's to keep her calm. "Don't worry, Ellie. Sam's just gone to let Helen in, he won't be long."

Ellie soon began to feel like she was never left behind, she had been left behind before she joined the fire service. So, she looked at Penny and smiled. "Thanks, Penny."

"Anytime, Ellie."

Penny soon continued to take care of her newest firefighting partner. She knew it had been a few months since she joined as the new fire station was built.

Sam and Helen were still talking outside in the sitting room after Sam had cleaned it. He does not want to risk getting sick from Ellie while she is here. So, he managed to clean the sofa and pillows that were there. "So, Sam. How's Ellie doing right now?" Helen asked as she set her first aid kit down on the table.

Sam thought for a moment, then he realized that he had been taking care of her until Penny can help before Helen can arrive. "Well, I managed to bring her here as I was close to the Station. She was out on an emergency call as I was enjoying my day off." Sam replied.

"Well, it's a good job you noticed before calling me here. I was worried that she would be ill while at work."

"I think Elvis might've noticed before they left."

"Really? Well, I think I'll ask her once I get set up."

"Thanks, Helen. I'll let Penny know."

Sam went off to find Penny who was checking over Ellie. He was worried that Ellie had been ill for this long before she came to his house from the station. Penny was still in the guest room when she finished checking over Ellie, she soon found out that Ellie had been ill with an upset stomach. "There you go, Ellie. I'll be back as soon as I find Sam and Helen." She said as she passed the blanket to Ellie.

"Thanks, Penny." Replied Ellie tiredly

Penny soon started to store away her medical supplies in the first aid bag, but she paused for a moment and thought that Ellie could be ill with the flu. So, she had to find Sam and Helen, but she didn't want to leave Ellie alone. She decided to stay with her until Sam came back. As Penny was storing her medical supplies in the bag, Ellie began to move to her right side and called for Penny. "Penny, I think I need the bucket." Ellie called as she felt like she needed to throw up.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now