Sam finds out

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Out at the Fire Station, Station Officer Steele was waiting until Ellie and Elvis came back, Sam was still in his garden working on his vegetable patch. Penny was getting ready to go out to an emergency call to the Ocean Rescue Center in Jupiter. "I've never heard it so busy." He said looking up to the clouds.

"It's no good, Radar. I can't stay away a moment longer."

Sam was soon walking towards the station when he saw Arnold pull in after he came back from Newtown. "Hello, Arnold." Greeted Sam.

"Hello, Sam."

"Is Station Officer Steele around by any chance?"

"He's probably up in his office."

Soon, Sam and Arnold went to find Station Officer Steele. He was drinking his cup of tea when he heard the door open. He soon saw Sam and Arnold walked in; they were concerned about where everyone was. "Oh, it's you Sam. Er, what are you doing here?" he asked knowing that his leading firefighter was here.

"I'm sorry, sir. I heard Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus as I was in the garden. Is it busy today?"

Station Officer Steele looked at the duty roster, he soon found that Ellie and Elvis were on their way back and Penny was going to the Ocean Rescue Center to help Ben look for Norman Price again. "Well, we only had 2 emergency calls. Ellie and Elvis cleared up the last one, Penny just left to the ocean rescue center. I'm thinking that Ellie might've come down with a cold." He said.

"Don't worry, sir. I'll ask Ellie when she gets back."

Sam heard the engines to Mercury and Venus pull into the Station. Ellie was the first to step out of Venus in the garage. As she got out of her animal rescue uniform, Sam walked down to find her sitting by the shelf. He noticed that she looked very ill. "Ellie, are you alright? Station Officer Steele tells me that you have a cold." He said.

Ellie was surprised that her leading firefighter knew about her condition. She knew that she couldn't hide it any longer. "No, Sam. I'm very ill, and I feel like I am going to throw up." She said as she laid down on the bench.

Sam looked at her for a while, then he realized that it was more than a cold. He placed his right hand on her forehead and felt that it was very warm. So, he had an idea about how he can help. He went to find Station Officer Steele who was walking down the stairs. "Sir, I checked on Ellie, and she tells me that she is very ill. She has a fever, and I think it might be a stomach ache." Sam said knowing that he didn't want to see his fellow firefighter in the condition she is in.

"Oh, I say. Why don't you let her stay at your house for the time being? I'll tell Penny that she will need to take over your duties, Sam."

"Good idea, sir."

Sam walked back to where Ellie was where she was lying down on the bench tired, but very ill. She knew that she should've stayed home today, and she was never like this before. Sam knelt beside her and tapped her shoulder. Ellie's eyes opened very slow, but she was able to see Sam beside her. "Hey, Ellie. I've spoke to Station Officer Steele, and he says you're welcome to stay at my house." He said as he helped Ellie with her bags.

"Thanks, Sam. I'm glad that you were able to help."

Ellie and Sam soon left for his house through the back door. Radar was waiting for him to come back. Ellie was very happy to see their rescue dog, she gave him a pat on the head twice and Sam closed the gate behind them. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Sam?" she asked.

Sam was looking around to see if anyone can see them. He couldn't see anyone except the training tower, then he turned back to Ellie. "Yes, Ellie. I'm sure. I'll call Nurse Flood if she can help too." Replied Sam.

"Thanks, Sam. I knew you come around."

Sam and Ellie walked into his house where he found the sofa in the sitting room where Ellie can rest. He soon reached for his phone to call Helen. As he was about to call Helen, Ellie was trying to move so she can find the bucket. Sam realized it and found one that was empty and passed it to Ellie who later threw up in it. "Sam, I don't understand why I feel this way." Ellie said as she set down the bucket.

"Me neither, Ellie. It's only been a few months since you joined the fire service. Which is why I'm calling Helen for help."

"Ok, Sam. Is it ok if I rest here?"

"Sure, while you're doing that, I'll see if Helen can come by."

Sam left Ellie to rest while he called Helen. He was very worried about his new recruit feeling very ill.

Meanwhile, at the Flood's House, Mike was repainting the walls after the big storm had messed up the paint. Mandy was out with Norman, Hannah, Sarah, and James. Helen was out in Newtown on a medical call. Mike was outside when he heard the phone ring, he went inside to see who it was. "Hello." He answered.

"Hi, Mike. It's Sam here. I was wondering if Helen was around, Ellie has been taken ill." Sam said over the Phone.

Mike looked around for Helen, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He soon realized that she was in Newtown on a job. "Sorry, Sam. Helen's in Newtown on a job. I'll try and give her a call." Mike said as he picked up the phone.

"Thanks, Mike. See you later."

Sam and Mike ended their phone call. Sam was thinking about what to do now. He had an idea about calling Penny. He knew that she was licensed by the NHS as a paramedic. So, he called her to see if she can help until Helen can come over.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now