Sarah, Penny, and Sam

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Out at the Wholefish Café, Bronwyn was cooking a soup for Ellie when she heard Charlie walk in. He was out fishing while the twins were out at the park with Norman and Hannah. Charlie could smell the soup simmering on the cooker, he wanted to find out why Bronwyn was cooking it. So, he set the keys to his boat down on the counter and went to ask her. "Er, Bronwyn. Why are you cooking some soup, it's only lunch time? I mean, who is it for?" He asked as Bronwyn was chopping some vegetables.

"Well, Charlie. Penny phoned and told me about Ellie. She's feeling very ill, and I thought I could make her some of your special soup your mum left for you in her cookbook. So, once I finish cooking it, it will be in a flask on its way to Sam's house."

Charlie was surprised, he didn't even know that Ellie was ill when Lion was out on the cliffs. But then he remembered Bronwyn noticing it as Lion was safely rescued from the cliffs. "So, do we know how she was taken ill?" Charlie asked.

"No, but I think this will help make her feel better. Sam had this when he was very sick."

Soon, the soup was made, and Bronwyn poured it into a flask and grabbed her bag. She was heading over to Sam's house to drop off the soup to Penny where she can give it to Ellie. "Ok, I'm off to Sam's for a moment. Can you stay here until Sarah and James come back?" She asked as she walked to the door.

"Ok, Bronwyn. I'll be here."

Bronwyn was soon heading to Sam's house to meet with Penny and Sam. She was wondering what Ellie might've caught to make her ill. So, she decided to ask Sam while she was there.

Meanwhile at Sam's house,

Helen had just finished checking on Ellie while Sam was right beside her. Ellie was worried that she might've needed to go to hospital. So, she decided to ask her leading firefighter. "Sam, I'm beginning to worry that I might need to go to the hospital. Will that happen if I need it?"

Sam paused for a moment, then thought for a moment. He soon knew that it wasn't too bad, although it may need to be taken care of for 1-3 days. So, he turned back to her and answered the question. "Ellie, I can say that this may need to be taken care of here. I think you're safe from going to the hospital. If we need to take you there, I'll tell you. Ok?"

"Ok, Sam."

Helen soon gathered her medical supplies and soon walked to where Sam was. She soon found out that Ellie had a very bad stomach ache. "Sam, I can confirm what Penny told me. She was right that Ellie had a stomach ache. I think this one was worse than the one you had; at this rate I think you need to take care of her. I'll come by tomorrow to check on her, or maybe Penny can take over. What do you think, Sam?"

Sam paused for a moment, then he looked at Ellie who was resting in the bed he made for her. He soon had an idea. "I think Penny can take over for you. I'll make sure to tell her to send you any, and all updates."

"Great, I think I better go and find Mandy. She was brought to the Fire Station with Elvis after she fell into the mud at the park."

"Ok. Thanks, Helen. I'll show you the way back to the Station."

Sam soon showed Helen the back door to the Fire Station as it was the way she came in. They were passing by Penny as she came by with a cup of tea for Sam. Just as she finished setting up some tea for them, Bronwyn knocked at the door. Penny walked over to the door to find her with a flask which had the soup for Ellie. "Hello, Bronwyn. I see you came with the soup. Sam's just making sure Helen is back at the station." She said as she opened the door.

"Thanks for letting me help, Penny. What do you think caused Ellie to be ill?"

"Oh, I think it's just a stomach ache, she just came down with a cold this morning and now she feels like she is really ill. I think she'll be fine in 1-3 days."

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now