Sam tells Charlie, Bronwyn, and Dilys

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Out at the Café, James, Bronwyn, and Charlie were enjoying dinner together. Charlie wanted to tell Bronwyn about Sarah, but he knew that she found out from his brother. So, he looked at her and asked her about Ellie. "Erm, Bronwyn. How's Ellie doing today?" He asked.

"Well, Charlie. Penny told me that Ellie had been ill since she rescued Lion from Pontypandy cliffs. I'm not sure what it was."

"Oh, I see. Will she be okay?"

"She'll be fine, Sam and Penny are taking care of her for the next few days."

"Alright, love. I'll ask when we pick up Sarah."

Charlie went to find some salt for his chips. He was then looking worried that Ellie might've been ill with an upset stomach. He then turned to James who was looking a little worried. Bronwyn frowned and decided to ask James. "James, are you okay?" She asked.

James was worried about Sarah. He didn't want to tell her that Norman Price loosened the pieces on his sister's go-kart, but he later decided to tell her what happened. "Mum, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, James?"

"Norman, Sarah, and I were racing on our go-karts this afternoon then he loosened the pieces to have her speed up. It then led her straight to Uncle Sam's house. I had to look for her all over Pontypandy until Mandy told me everything."

"Oh, James. I know you miss her, but we'll be picking her up later from Uncle Sam's house later. I'm sure he'll understand."

James had finished his dinner; he then went to the other side to hug his mum. Bronwyn accepted it and held it in tight until James released. He felt much better that they can pick up Sarah together. So, he decided to help clear the table as Charlie set the table already.

Meanwhile at Sam's house,

Penny and Sam were finishing their dinner when Sarah had began to worry. Sam was sitting next to his niece, he decided to ask her what was going on. Penny looked at them as she began to notice something might be wrong. "Sarah, is everything ok?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Uncle Sam. I'm just worried about something."

"What is it?"

"I'm worried that I might miss my brother James."

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, Sarah. I'm sure you'll see him again."

"Do you think so, Uncle Sam?"

"Yes, Sarah. I think so."

Sarah was pleased that she will be seeing James again. She had finished her dinner While Sam and Penny had finished too. Penny then helped clear the table with Sam and Sarah. After the Table was cleared, Sam wanted to ask Sarah something. "Sarah, I don't think I told you this earlier, but Ellie is here because she felt very ill this morning. Can you make her a get-well card?" He asked.

"Ok, Uncle Sam. I'm sure Ellie will love it."

Me too, Sarah. Me too."

Sam went to find some paper for Sarah to use so that she can make Ellie a card. He later came across a storage room which had all art supplies and crafting paper. He grabbed a piece of paper and some colors, and then joined Sarah in the sitting room so that he can see how it looks.


Penny had finished with the dishes when she decided to check on Ellie who was resting. She peeked her head in the door and saw Ellie fast asleep in the bed, then she moved slowly closing the door behind her. Ellie was still very ill after she had rescued Lion from Pontypandy cliffs. Penny decided to check Ellie's temperature, she grabbed the thermometer and waited. After Penny had carefully placed the thermometer back in the cup, Ellie soon began to move and wake up, but Penny was right beside her. She gasped after another horrible dream. Penny had to help her new friend keep calm, she sat on the bed and held her with a comforting hug. "Shh, it's ok, Ellie. I'm here. Just relax, You'll be ok" Penny said soothing her new firefighting friend.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now