More Trouble and PAYBACK

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Sam was just finishing up the plans to return the favor for Norman Price when he heard someone at the door. He went to see who it was. Outside, Sam and Ben were talking about the plans for their payback to the troublemaker in Pontypandy while Penny went to check on Ellie who was still asleep in the guest room upstairs. She had noticed that Ellie had been asleep for the entire day and it is currently 09:00 am in Pontypandy. So, she walked over to where she was and sat down beside her on the bed. Ellie had began to move and open her eyes to see Penny beside her. "Hello, Penny." Ellie said tiredly

"Hi, Ellie. Are you ok? You've been quiet for an entire day."

"Yeah, Penny. It's just that I had a bad night because I felt terrible because of the pain I was in."

"I know, Ellie. I think Norman Price had something to do with this."

"Oh, you may be right."

Ellie can see that she now knows that Norman Price was the cause of the mess he made. She tried to reach for the bucket to throw up in, but she had some serious pain in her stomach and it was less than the 1st two nights. Penny can see that she was still in pain. "Ellie, I know you're scared, but can I just check your stomach? It won't take long, I promise." Penny asked.

"Sure, Penny."

Penny had soon started to check her over. She was beginning to worry that Norman had caused more trouble to everyone in the whole town.


Sam was still planning the pranks with Ben when he heard a crash from outside the area. He can see that there was a go-kart nearby and he can see Sarah, James, and Mandy all in one pile after they collided into each other to cause some serious trouble. Are you ok, kids?" Sam asked

"I think so, but I think we crashed into each other. James has hurt his arm, but it's only bruised, Sarah managed to hit her head with the wooden board, and I somehow have hurt my leg." Mandy replied.

"Don't worry, Mandy. I'll call for help." Sam added.

Sam reached for his phone to call Penny and Helen to his location, but then he heard something coming their way. "Look out, Fireman Sam." called a voice from behind. Sam could see that Hannah is losing control on her wheelchair after Norman Price greased it to make it speed up. Hannah had landed in a pile of mud after it caught her fall from the wheelchair. Sam rushed over to see if she was ok. "You alright, Hannah?" He asked.

"I don't know, Sam. I think I hurt my stomach upon landing." Hannah replied

Sam decided to call the station for some help. He realized he didn't have any equipment with him since he was looking after Ellie with Penny. Sam knew that Elvis would be able to drive Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. He reached for his phone and called the dispatch office.

Back at the Station,

Station Officer Steele was reading his messages when he heard the Map-Screen 700 go off. So, he rushed over to it to activate the map. "There is a serious accident in Pontypandy Park. Mandy, James, Sarah, and Hannah are all injured." The Map screen read out loud.

Station Officer Steele was surprised by this, he could tell that this was Norman Price written all over it. He rushed to the controls and sounded the alarm. "There's a serious accident in Pontypandy Park. Mandy, James, Sarah, and Hannah are all injured." He said over the microphone.

Elvis and Arnold went over to Jupiter and Phoenix while Station Officer Steele went to Venus. He knew that Sam was already there as he saw a message from the dispatch office. He reached for the radio to tell Elvis and Arnold while he was the 1st to respond. "Cridlington, I have just received word that Fireman Sam and Ben are already at the scene. You and Arnold will need to move into the park and help Sam with Hannah. Penny, Ben, and Helen will rescue Sarah, James, and Mandy." He said over the radio.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now