Ellie's in Hospital

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It was dark in the streets of Pontypandy and Sam is still with the twins after they have been rescued from a go-kart crash in the park. Penny was sitting with Sarah and Sam was with James, they sat down for an hour until Sarah and James heard something. Sam and Penny ran upstairs to see what was going on. Sam could see Ellie in a bad amount of pain, he decided to ask Helen to see if this is linked to Norman Price. Penny walked over to Ellie with the first aid bag and helped Ellie up. "Are you ok, Ellie? You look like you're hurt bad." Penny said.

"I'm sorry, Penny. It just hurts really bad. I can't even reach for my phone."

Penny opened up the first aid bag and pulled out more medical supplies. While she was checking over Ellie, Sam could see that this was more than it was for her to handle, he went to the Fire Station with Sarah and James to bring Jupiter to his house. Penny was texting Elvis to bring Venus while Sam was in Jupiter. Ellie was still in a lot of pain and she was thinking that now she would have to go to the hospital. Penny finished texting Elvis and Venus was heard with Jupiter, only their lights were on. Penny warned them to be mindful of the siren until she was in Venus. "Ok, Ellie. I know I don't like to tell you this, but we're going to have to go to hospital." added Penny.

"Are you sure, Penny? I'm scared."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you, and Sam will bring the twins to the cafe along the way. He'll be joining us when he's done."

"Thanks, Penny. I don't even know how it happened."

"Well, I think it was Norman Price that lead us to this. He might've left something terrible in this room. I'll have Sam look around by the time we're back."

"Ok, Penny."

Penny texted Sam that there may be something else that the troublemaker left behind, then Sam texted back that he'll look around later. She could see that Ellie had tears in her eyes. So, she held her new firefighter in a comforting hug until Sam came by with Jupiter and Elvis came along with Venus. Moments later, Venus and Jupiter arrived outside the front door. Penny gathered up the first aid bag and stored it in Jupiter, then she helped Ellie into Venus and climbed aboard the driver's side. Penny and Ellie raced off to Newtown Hospital with the lights and sirens while Sam drove the twins to the cafe. Elvis watched as they left and he locked up Sam's front door making sure that Norman Price doesn't get in. Penny and Ellie were passing by the floods house when Ellie decided to ask Penny something. "Penny, do you think it's really bad?" Ellie asked sadly.

"No, Ellie. I think it's just more pain than it was before this happened. You'll be fine, it just takes time."

"I know, Penny. It just hurts really bad, I can't even try to reach for my phone."

"I know it hurts, but once we're at the hospital, we'll soon have you better."

Ellie looked out the window of Venus thinking about how Norman managed to cause trouble. She was worried that it was something else. Just as Ellie was trying to keep calm, they arrived at Newtown Hospital. Penny got out of Venus and helped Ellie out of Venus to the A&E Unit. Venus was parked in the Fire Service Parking 

Back in Pontypandy,

Sam had arrived at the Cafe with Sarah and James in Jupiter. Bronwyn was with Charlie out by the quay when they heard Jupiter arrive. Sarah and James were safely home after they had a bad crash with their go-karts in the park. Charlie could see what had happened to them after Penny had texted Bronwyn about it. "Sorry for the delay, Penny had to take Ellie to Newtown." Said Sam as he brought the twins to them.

"Will she be okay, Sam?" Bronwyn asked

"She'll be fine, Bronwyn. I've just brought them here because I'm heading up there to join Penny soon."

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now