James, Norman, and Mandy look for Sarah

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Out at the Fire Station, Elvis was in the kitchen cooking lunch after he messed up the stew while Arnold was working on Phoenix in the garage. Helen was in the lounge with Mandy after taking care of Ellie. Mandy was brought to the station after she had grazed her knees in the mud and ended up in it. Station Officer Steele came to see if Elvis had made his cup of tea. "Cridlington, I hope my cup of tea is ready." He said as Elvis finished pouring the tea in his tea cup.

"Don't worry, sir. I have it ready for you."

"Oh, thank you. I think you better see if Arnold needs a hand with Phoenix."

"Yes, sir."

Elvis walked out of the kitchen to see if Arnold needed help with Phoenix. Helen and Mandy soon started to make their way to the stairs, they were late for lunch. They decided to stop at Station Officer Steele's office to let him know that Ellie will be out for 1-3 days. "Station Officer Steele, I just thought I would let you know that Ellie will be off duty for a few days. She came down with an upset stomach." Helen said as she walked into the office.

"Oh, dear. Well, I hope that Sam will do his best to take care of her."

Helen was just remembering that Penny was with them. She decided that Penny would send her any updates on Ellie while Helen is busy. So, she looked back at Station Officer Steele and explained to him about Sam's idea. "Sam told me that Penny would take over while I am out on some callouts, do you think it would work?" She asked.

"Yes, I think that's an excellent Idea. I'll sort out the duty roster."

"Thank you, sir. If you need me, I will be having lunch with Mandy and Mike. I'll see you later."

"Thanks for coming, Helen. See you later."

Helen and Mandy soon left after they relaxed in the lounge with Elvis and Arnold before their jobs were assigned.

Meanwhile at Sam's house,

Penny was still checking over Sarah after she crashed outside the front door on her go-kart. Sam knew that Norman Price had loosened the pieces that kept it together. He was coming back from the guest room after Ellie had been awake from a bad dream. Soon, he sat down on the sofa right beside Sarah and Penny looked at them and smiled. Sarah was worried that Norman would cheat in the next race. So, she looked at her uncle and asked him a question. "Uncle Sam, Can I ask you something?" Said Sarah.

Sam looked at her and paused for a moment. He wanted to know what she was going to ask him. "What's up, Sarah?" he replied

"Are you going to talk to Norman about this?"

"Of course, I will. I'll talk to Mrs. Price as well."

Penny had finished cleaning the bruises on Sarah's arm, she then sat down beside her with some tape which was ready to be placed over the area where it was clean. "Can I borrow your arm for a moment, I just need to wrap a bandage where I cleaned it?" Penny asked as she reached out to Sarah.

Sarah reached her arm out to Penny so that the bandage could be placed. She was soon feeling comfortable after Penny had started wrapping her arm in the bandage. Sam had later reached for his phone and texted Bronwyn. Penny had soon finished with wrapping Sarah's arm in a bandage. "There you go, Sarah. All done." Penny said as the bandage was secured.

"Thanks, Penny."

"No problem, Sarah."

Penny and Sam joined Sarah and they all enjoyed lunch together. Ellie was still resting until someone could check in on her, she was soon asleep while waiting for Penny or Sam.


James and Norman were out in the park with their go-karts. They had been in the race from the top of the hill to the statue of Station Officer Steele's father, the great Daniel Steele. Norman and James looked around for Sarah, then they realized something was wrong. "Where's Sarah, James?" Norman asked.

"I don't know, Norman."

"Should we call Fireman Sam?"

"No, we can find her. You check the coast road; I'll check by the train station."

"Ok, James. If I find her, I'll call you."

James and Norman went out looking for Sarah, they didn't realize that Norman had loosened the pieces on her go-kart. James went off to the lighthouse and Norman went to the Flood's house to ask Mandy for help. "Hello, Mandy." He said as Mandy opened the door.

"Hi, Norman. Need some help?"

"Yes, Sarah, James and I were racing in our go-karts and she never made it to the park."

Mandy turned to Helen who was eating lunch with Mike and Bronwyn. "Mum, can I go out with Norman?"

"Ok, Mandy. I hope you'll be back soon."

"Don't worry, Mum. I'll be home soon."

Mandy then turned to Norman who was waiting to find Sarah.

"Ok, I'll check on Pontypandy Island with Ben."

"Thanks, Mandy."

Mandy and Norman went to their areas to find Sarah. James was still at the Lighthouse when he came across Tom, he was busy placing warning signs on the cliffs to keep everyone away until the cliffs were stable again. Norman came across a broken go-kart outside Sam's house, he realized that Sarah had crashed. So, he knocked on Sam's front door.

Meanwhile in the house,

Sam, Penny, and Sarah had finished their lunch while Ellie was resting. Sarah had curled up towards Penny as she felt tired after the crash outside the front door. Penny kept her in a nice comforting hug while Sam heard a knock on the door. He went to see who it was; Norman was outside wondering where Sarah was. Sam had soon opened the door. "Hello, Norman. What do you need help with?" Sam asked.

"Have you seen Sarah? She hasn't made it to the park during the race."

Sam looked back in the sitting room where Sarah and Penny were. He then looked back at Norman. "Don't worry, Norman. Sarah's safe here, but I think that someone loosened the pieces on her go-kart." he said as he closed the door after stepping outside.

"Er, Sam. I think I have to tell you something."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I was the one who caused trouble to the go-kart."

Sam was surprised, he didn't even realize that Norman admitted to his trouble. So, he looked at him and decided to talk to him about it. "Norman, you know. I don't think you should've loosened the pieces here. She could've been seriously hurt." Sam said, picking up the pieces to the go-kart so that he can repair it.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I think I might've been a bit too mean to her."

"You're right, Norman. I think we'll talk later with your mum, ok?"

"Ok, Sam. see you tonight."

"You too, Norman."

Sam went back into the house to work on the go-kart while Penny and Sarah were resting on the sofa. He set down the pieces in the garden by the storage shed when Penny moved Sarah to a comfortable position. She went out to check on Ellie who was taken ill with an upset stomach. Ellie woke up to Penny right next to her on the right of the bed. "Ellie, How are you feeling right now?" Penny asked as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"Still the same. I'm still hurting in my stomach."

"Ok, I feel like I need to check on you while Helen is away."

"Thanks, Penny. I sure hope you and Sam know the best way possible."

"You're right, Ellie. I know the best way, and Sam does too."

Penny soon decided to check Ellie's temperature. Sam was outside in the sitting room and noticed Sarah resting on the couch, he looked at her and smiled. Sam had later sat on the sofa with Sarah in his arms, she moved up and held on to him. It was getting towards 2 in the afternoon, he was thinking about what Bronwyn would say.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now