Penny comes to help

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Out near the Ocean Rescue Centre, Ben was with Penny after they sent Norman Price home as soon as he was away from Pontypandy Island, they were clearing out the boats when Penny's phone rang. So, she went over to find out that Sam was calling her. "I wonder what Sam needs help with?" Penny asked herself.

So, she answered it knowing that something may be wrong. "Hello, Sam." Penny said over the phone.

"Hi, Penny. I was hoping you can come over to my house and help me out for a few minutes." Sam replied.

Penny was surprised, she didn't know that Sam needed help. So, she decided to ask him. "What do you need help with, Sam?"

"Well, I am currently at home with Ellie. She's staying with me because she has been taken ill. I called Helen, but Mike told me that she's in Newtown. So, I thought you could come and help until Helen gets here."

Penny thought for a moment. She was wondering what to do with Jupiter as the Fire Station was behind Sam's garden. So, she decided that she would drive Jupiter back to the station and help Sam take care of Ellie. "Ok, Sam. I'll come and help. I'll just have to bring Jupiter to the station, then I'll come by with the first aid bag."

"Thanks, Penny. See you later, bye."

Sam and Penny soon ended their call and Penny grabbed the keys to Jupiter and drove back to the Station. Sam was still home with Ellie who was lying on the sofa with a blanket and an ice pack on her forehead. He was waiting for Penny to arrive when his phone rang, the phone showed that Helen was calling him back after he called her when Mike answered. "Hello." He called over the phone.

"Hi, Sam. I'm glad Mike had got a hold of me. I heard you need me to come by your house to check on Ellie." Helen replied.

"Yes, Helen. I did call your phone, but it went to the house phone and Mike answered. That explains everything."

"That's true, Sam. I'm on my way soon, I'll need to check on Mandy after she had fallen into the mud and grazed her knees, Elvis had to help her to the Fire Station from the park."

"Thanks, Helen. I'll be waiting for you. Penny will be here until you arrive, does that work?"

Helen thought for a moment, then she realized that since she had to deal with Mandy at the station. So, she agreed to Sam's plan. "Sure, I'll come around from the back door just behind the Station."

"Fantastic, see you later. Bye."

Sam and Helen ended their call when Sam soon heard Ellie move on the sofa. He noticed that she was in pain and still holding on to the blanket. So, he went over to see what was wrong. "Ellie, I can tell that you're in pain. Can you tell me where it hurts?" he asked.

"My head hurts, Sam." Replied Ellie tiredly.

Sam was surprised that Ellie was hurt. He didn't want to let her down. So, he carefully placed his left hand on her forehead after moving the ice pack and felt that it was warm. "Ellie, I think you need to rest until Helen arrives. I will do everything I can to take care of you, Penny is going to be here soon." He said as he placed the ice pack back on her head.

"Thanks, Sam. I hope it's not too bad."

"No problem, Ellie. I was thinking the exact same thing."

Sam soon heard the sound of Jupiter's engine from the station, he realized that Penny had arrived. "I'll be back, Ellie. I need to get the door for Penny." He called from the other end of the sofa.

"Ok, Sam."

Ellie was still on the sofa resting after she had arrived from the station with Sam. Penny was outside the garden gate when Sam came to open it for her, she had just returned from the Ocean Rescue Centre after an emergency call. "Thanks, Sam. Where's Ellie?" she asked looking around the garden.

"She's in the sitting room on the sofa." Sam replied.

"Ok, I'll need to make sure that we have a place for her to sleep when it gets dark. Can you make sure that the bed is ready while I get her taken care of?"

Sam had a guest room that has a bed where Ellie can rest in. He decided to help Penny with making sure that Ellie is awake so that they can help her to the guest room. "I have a guest room with a bed and access to a bathroom and shower. I'll just get the bed ready."

"Great, I'll go and find her."

Sam went to the guest room to make sure the bed is ready for Ellie while Penny went to find her. Ellie was still in the sitting room waiting for Sam to return with Penny, she was soon waking up to Penny who was right beside her. "Hi, Penny." Ellie said tiredly as she opened her eyes.

"Hello, Ellie. Sam told me that you were feeling ill, which is why I told Station Officer Steele that I would be here until Helen can help."

Ellie didn't know what to say, she felt like she was a part of Pontypandy as every member of the Fire Service looks out for each other. So, she turned to Penny and decided to ask her where Sam was. "Where's Sam, Penny?" she asked as she got up from the sofa.

"He's getting a bed ready for you. I'll make sure that you're there safely."

Penny and Ellie soon went to find Sam who was finishing with the bed so that Ellie can sleep in it while she is ill.

Meanwhile upstairs,

Sam was finishing up as he placed the bucket to the left of the bed, Penny soon managed to help Ellie with the blanket and set her first aid bag down. Ellie was soon on the bed and Penny opened the bag reaching for the thermometer and other medical supplies that the fire service received from HQ. "Ellie, I think it might be an upset stomach, but I don't know. So, I need to take your temperature to see if you have a fever, ok?"

"Ok, Penny."

Sam and Penny were soon doing their best to take care of Ellie. Sam was looking at the NHS website for anything to help his new recruit. Penny was checking her over until Helen can come and help them with Ellie.

Back at the Fire Station, Station Officer Steele was making a cup of tea when he saw that Elvis was with Helen and Mandy. He went over to see what was wrong. "Cridlington, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked.

"Yes, sir."

Elvis soon walked out to where Station Officer Steele was and went to his office. He was worried that he was in trouble, but Station Officer Steele was looking at the duty roster. "Er, sir. Am I in trouble?" he asked.

"No, Elvis. I just need to tell you that Ellie is not going to complete her duties for the day. So, I will need you, Arnold, and Penny on duty for now."

"What about Sam?"

"Sam is looking after her for now. Helen will be heading there as soon as Mandy is taken care of."

"I know, sir. I'll tell Arnold."

Soon, Elvis left the office to find Arnold who was busy cleaning Jupiter. Station Officer Steele rearranged the roster to have Penny, Elvis, and Arnold to cover for Sam and Ellie.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now