Chapter 2 - Christian

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I swear, if I had to hear another word about the lifestyle from Elena Lincoln's mouth, I would explode. No matter how many times I told her I did not want another sub, she continued to provide file after file, hoping to whet my interest. It had been nine months, now, since I terminated the contract with my last submissive, and I had no interest in contracting another.

While it was not something I cared to share with Elena, the truth is the scene had ceased to interest me some time ago. Once upon a time, I'd find myself antsy on a Friday morning, eager to get through the necessary business meetings as I planned scenes with whichever pale petite brunette I had contracted. Over time, this interest had waned until, a little over a year ago, I found myself inventing reasons to work late on a Friday. Initially believing it to be disinterest in the woman I had under contract, I ended our agreement to seek another. And then it happened again. Three weeks into that arrangement, I cut her loose, too. Thinking third time might be the charm, I'd reluctantly agreed to Elena's promise of my ideal sub. Gorgeous. Very few limits. Never known to safe word. My planned scene with her never happened. She might have been everything Elena promised—yet she did absolutely nothing for me.

So since then, I'd been on my own.

It wasn't that I didn't want sex. Oh hell—I wanted to get off so badly I'd been reduced to jacking off in the shower. I just didn't want sex with the submissives Elena Lincoln could provide me with. Better single and alone than what she could deliver.

Sitting in a trendy bistro for lunch where Elena wanted to 'see and be seen' with the Prince of Seattle, not for the first time, I pondered what this friendship brought to me. Once pretty in a kind of over the top way, now Elena looked like mutton dressed as lamb. The tight black clothes and bleached blonde hair did her no favors. Better to age gracefully, in my opinion. Slowly tuning back into her monologue, I realized she was talking finances.

"With the other two salons doing so well, I thought a third salon might be advisable? We're usually booked out for new appointments a month ahead. Looking at the zip codes of those who visit, there are quite a few from the Bellevue and Medina areas. A new salon close to those suburbs would save those ladies a trip into the city and would free chairs in the city salon for businesswomen wanting to splurge. At the moment we have to turn them away, and there's no profit in turning away a potential customer."

I nodded passively. I honestly could not give a shit about where women had their hair done. If Elena thought demand justified a third salon, I was happy to go with it. Anything to end this fortnightly torture where I endured her business ideas and submissive suggestions.

"Put together a proposal and send it to legal," I said, discreetly checking my watch and wondering how much longer I had to endure Elena's company before I could decently make an escape.

"Oysters!" Elena exclaimed as our appetizer made its appearance. "Do you remember the first time we had oysters" she cooed suggestively.

I did remember—although truthfully; I wish I did not. I'd been fifteen—and only a few weeks after becoming Elena's submissive—when she'd introduced me to them one afternoon. She'd instructed me to lick one, then pour it down my throat, before crudely making correlations between that clam and her own. Minutes later, she'd had me going down on her—guiding me on how to give a woman satisfaction orally. Cunnilingus on Elena had never done much for me. However, according to several submissives since then, I knew how to growl a woman out better than anyone they'd ever met. At least those wretched six years had served some use...

"Mr. Grey? I'm sorry to interrupt you, but there is a security issue with Ms. Grey," Taylor said, materializing beside our table. As a straight and (until relatively recently) sexually active male, I was not interested in my head of security and CPO... But right now, I could seriously kiss the man. Never had I wanted out of a luncheon as much as I did today.

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