Chapter 9 - Ana

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According to Mrs. Jones, Christian was already working in his home office by the time I came down for breakfast. Although I'd slept alright, I was still tired this morning.

Probably all those sexy dreams you had about Christian Grey, my subconscious snarked at me. Running my fingers across my lips, I remembered the searing kisses Christian and I had shared the night before, then the feverish dreams I'd had which took those kisses much, much further.

"Do you have plans for the day?" Mrs. Jones asked as I finished a heaped serve of scrambled eggs with wilted greens.

"Not really," I replied. "Christian said he'd probably work until lunch."

"He said the same to me. If you're at a loose end, perhaps you'd like to do some baking? I'll be preparing a few freezer meals for Mr. Grey and the security staff this morning, but I won't need the steam oven."

I'd never used a steam oven before. I had undertaken all of my baking in Ray's ancient electric cooker at the house in Montesano. I worried if I'd be able to use such high-end equipment and explained as much to Gail.

"Nonsense. It's easy to use. I'd be happy to show you."

Two hours later, Gail and I had cooked up a storm. We'd worked side by side cutting up vegetables for a beef stew and a soup she was making before starting in on my baking. After a quick run through the features of the steam oven, I concluded it wasn't too different from any other oven, and I was interested in seeing if it made a difference to the finished products.

Knowing chocolate was Christian's favorite, I'd made a triple chocolate ganache cake, a tray of miniature individual self-saucing chocolate puddings and, with Gail's help, I'd even attempted a chocolate soufflé. I'm not sure if it was the oven or Gail's expert assistance, but everything turned out perfectly.

As we cooked, I grilled Mrs. Jones about Christian's family, explaining to her I would join him for brunch at his parents' house tomorrow. Gail's descriptions of the Greys did a lot to put my mind at ease. Betraying no confidences, she assured me the Greys were lovely, and said I would win Elliot over with a slice of my chocolate ganache cake. Accordingly, I had it frosted and hidden in a container in the back of the refrigerator, ready to take to brunch tomorrow.

"Is that chocolate I can smell?" Christian said, stepping out of his study and into the great room. Gail had taken him a coffee and a biscuit around eleven, but I had yet to see him today. Thanks to our kisses the night before, I didn't know what to expect. Giving me one of his dazzling smiles, Christian walked across to the kitchen, stopping on the opposite side of the counter. "Good morning, Anastasia. Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you. And you?"

"I had pleasant dreams," he smirked. "Very pleasant dreams indeed."

Christian's intense stare suggested the nature of these, causing me to blush involuntarily. At least it seemed we agreed...

"I'm glad, Mr. Grey," I teased when I could finally meet his eyes again. "Now if you'll go wash up, Mrs. Jones and I are almost ready to serve lunch."

"You've been cooking?" he asked, with boyish excitement.

"No. I just wear an apron because I think it makes me look sexy."

Christian smiled, turning and walking back toward his bedroom. He was almost in the hallway leading to his room when he turned back, saying something softly enough that only I could hear it. "It does."


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