Chapter 4 - Christian

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I was almost annoyed when Gail interrupted us to show Ms. Steele to her room. While I had no reason to be aggrieved, I was quickly learning that I did not like anything that took Anastasia's attention away from me. Since I recognized Mrs. Jones would be better at settling Ms. Steele, I begrudgingly stalked back to the security suite and Taylor.

"Ms. Steele said she is paid up until the end of the month at her studio," I started. "Yet there is no way she can go back there."

"Understood. I thought while you and Ms. Steele dine, I'd take Ryan and Sawyer to the apartment and remove all Ms. Steele's belongings. If we use duffel bags instead of boxes, it shouldn't be too obvious. We'll plant a couple of miniature cameras in the hallway at the same time to see if the unsub knows which studio is hers. Worst case we get nothing, best case we might get a clearer shot of his face so Barney can run facial recognition software and see if this creep has been in trouble with the law before."

"If you want to draw him in, it would be best if we maintained the illusion Ms. Steele is still living at the studio... If he thinks she's moved on, we'll lose any chance of apprehending him," I mused out loud.

"About that, Sir. What if I redeploy Sawyer to stay in Ms. Steele's studio? He can move the lock inside and out and turn the lights on and off each day as required. If the unsub is monitoring the place, police sniffing around will stand out and he'll run. If Sawyer stays in the apartment block, posing as another resident, it will give us a few days to see what he's up to."

"So, no police for now?" I checked.

"I think it's best. I will document everything thoroughly so when the time comes, we'll have enough information to give them."

I nodded, thinking of other things Ms. Steele might need. She said she had little, and her background and bank balance on her background check hinted that what she had would doubtless be of poor quality. She had a beautiful figure, and in the right clothing she'd look sensational, yet her fear of being indebted meant she would not accept a thing from me. Calling Gail from the kitchen where she was preparing dinner, I asked her to unpack Ms. Steele's belongings into the blue room when they arrived, and to make a comprehensive list of things needed to supplement what she had. If Anastasia would not accept things from me willingly, I'd have to trick her into receiving them. With that thought, I moved through to my study, getting some work done before dinner time.

Back in the main room later, Gail presented me with a glass of Sancerre. I'd taken one sip when I heard footfalls on the hallway floor leading from the blue room.

"Anastasia—perfect timing. I was just enjoying some wine before dinner. Can I interest you in a glass?"

Looking like a vision in the simple long skirt and shirt she'd been wearing earlier, I notice she'd forgone shoes, her elegant bare feet blessing my polished Italian marble floors.

"I don't drink a lot, but I suppose one would be ok," she said, smiling at me sweetly.

I poured her a glass, clinking mine against hers and toasting, "To new friends." Repeating the toast after me, she lifted the delicate crystal glass to her lips, taking a tiny sip before sighing contentedly.

"I have spoken with Taylor, and he plans to visit your studio tonight and empty it of its contents. One of my security staff will stay there over the next few days to give the illusion you are still in residence." I spoke calmly yet with authority, trying not to spook the delectable Ms. Steele. "Taylor will need your key."

"Of course. I will get it in a moment. I don't have very much to collect. There is a little food in the pantry and refrigerator, although I don't suppose they need to bring that," she said, gesturing to my state-of-the-art kitchen where Gail was putting the finishing touches on dinner.

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