Chapter 31 - Christian

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As usual, Taylor was two steps ahead of me. He'd already secured the builder's blueprint of Elena's townhouse, having identified likely hiding spots to check out. Appreciating Elliot would want to play a part in the bitch's downfall, I asked Taylor to send the schematics across on my impenetrable VPN so Elliot could weigh in with his suggestions. Given El's team had fit out the salons, he'd have the information to give Taylor about hidey holes there. Between them, and the untraceable team Taylor promised to provide, I was confident if there was anything to find at Elena's home or workplace, they'd discover it.

"I'd like you and Ms. Steele to stay in Montana until at least the beginning of next week," Taylor ordered. "The security team will be maxed out achieving this. Protecting the two of you in town would place an unnecessary additional burden. Plus, if questions are ever asked, it would be helpful if we can prove you were out of town."

"Should I be seen?" I asked. Letting the press know where I was could be a double-edged sword.

"Not necessarily. Maybe ask your grandparents to entertain a few friends? Some casual snaps on other people's phones would be useful. If not, some photos of you with the house in the background or at breakfast reading the paper would suffice. It needs to look innocent and not like you are setting up an alibi."

I grunted in acknowledgment. Mia was a menace with a camera, so she'd probably take more than enough photos to provide Ana and me proof we'd been here. Still—I'd mention it to Mum, Dad, and my grandparents, too.

"When are you thinking?" I asked. Time was of the essence. I needed to know the bitch had nothing on me before I took her down.

"Thursdays and Fridays are busy at the salons. Mrs. Lincoln is regularly in attendance. We'll have a group with eyes on her all day. As soon as she leaves her townhouse, a team will enter. They'll bypass her security system, then systematically go through the place. Once we're sure the place is clear, we'll stage the place as a robbery and set off the alarm. The idea is she'll be occupied with police at her home, so won't have time to visit the salons. Separate teams will go to each salon overnight and search them. The ideal is this will go undetected. Once we are as confident as well can be, and you get word from the audit team, it will be time to move."

I listened. It was probably the best option, yet I was still concerned.

"What if it doesn't work? What if you are detected?"

"Then you know nothing, Sir. I'm a rogue employee who didn't know their place."

"I can't ask you to do that," I replied.

"You don't have to. Just like I know that if I go down, Gail and Sophie will be looked after for life. A house of her own for Gail and enough coming in each year she doesn't have to work again. The rest of her schooling and an excellent college education for Sophie."

Unseen by Taylor, I shook my head. Like I'd let him sell himself so cheaply. Even if all my secrets came out and GEH foundered, I had enough in investments I would never need to work again. Nor my kids, grandkids, and even great-grandkids. I appreciated loyalty, and if push came to shove, Taylor and those he loved would have mine. No questions asked.

"That goes without saying."

"Then let me do what needs to be done, Sir."


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