Chapter 26 - Elena

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If there was one day of the week I loathed, it would be Friday. The start of the weekend, the salons were always frantic. While that was great for the bottom line, more often than I liked, it meant they needed me to actually work the floor.

I'd decided long ago, it did not enhance my image to actually cut hair—even though I'd do better than most of the stylists here. No. If I had to work, it would be in a concierge role, chatting to patrons and subtly upselling overpriced beauty services or product. When someone was dropping four or five hundred on a mediocre cut and color, it wasn't difficult to convince them to pay an additional sixty dollars for an organic, cruelty-free shampoo or conditioner, which I promised would work wonders. Since I paid two dollars a gallon and sold it in chic 25 fluid ounce bottles, I made an absolute killing. Rich women were so easily parted with their money!

Looking around the city salon at four-thirty, every station was full. The appointment book was packed, too. In fact, I could see regular patrons grumbling as they waited in reception. Some had been there over twenty minutes, as their stylists were running late. Moving out the back, I grabbed an empty Rhône Valley Viognier bottle from my office. At four-hundred dollars a pop, it was an empty I'd taken from one of my many lunches with Christian. A true wine connoisseur, he drank nothing but the best. So every time we ate, I'd ask the restaurant if I could take the empty bottle, saying I'd enjoyed it so much I wanted to take it home to note the label for next time.

Using a funnel I kept on hand for just this purpose, I filled the bottle with a chilled cheap white I kept in my office bar fridge. I bet the women I'd be giving it to knew as little about wine as I did. Experience had proven appearances were everything. The right bottle with the right glasses on a shiny tray would fool those stupid bitches into believing I was supplying a top-quality drop, rather than the cheapest dry Sauvignon Blanc I could lay my hands on.

"Ladies!" I announced, swanning over to reception with the open bottle and a tray of glasses. Thanks to my years, pre-marriage, working in a topless bar, I could still manage a small yet heavy tray in six-inch heels while making it look effortless. "It's Friday! I hope you all have exciting things planned for the weekend? Please join me for a drink and tell me all about your plans."

Since the only thing rich Seattle women liked more than drinking was talking about themselves, this would keep them happy for the next hour. Adding the occasional remark, I was free to stand there, sipping from my glass, listening to the latest upper-class gossip.

At half-past five the outer door opened and in stepped an old acquaintance, Susannah Milford. Christian's submissive for a year, she'd ended their contract and moved to Sacramento for work several years ago.

"Elena," she greeted air kissing me on each cheek, "long time no see."

Always pretty, Susannah looked great. Age had yet to make its presence known, there.

"Susannah," I replied with a smile. "It's been quite some time. Are you here for a treatment? If so, I'm afraid we're very busy..."

"No, but thank you. I've moved back to town and thought to catch up with old friends. Do you have a minute?"

"Always," I replied, excusing myself from the other women and taking Susannah through the salon, and back to my office. Once inside and we'd closed the door, I relaxed a bit. I didn't like it when my two worlds interacted. At least as a well-coiffed businesswoman, Susannah's presence at Esclava would not raise suspicions the way the presence of some other submissives would. "So, you're back in town?"

"I am. I've taken a lead HR role over on 3rd Avenue. I'm still in the middle of finding a new place, but once I'm settled, I thought I'd look for a new Dom."

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