Chapter 29 - Christian

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"Show her up to the security suite. Use the staff elevator." The staff elevator opened into the hallway leading to Gail and Taylor's apartment. Using that, Taylor could get Ms. Milford in and out unobserved.

I hadn't seen Susannah in a long time. My best sub, she'd ended our contract when she left town to take a new job. After Susannah, no other sub seemed to measure up. It wasn't that I had feelings for her, or her for me—in fact, it was quite the reverse. Not long out of a relationship that had ended badly, when I contracted Susannah she had been as disinterested in a relationship as I was. When it became clear that she would not become another sub confessing their love for me, it paved the way for a friendship, of sorts. Sometimes, during aftercare, we'd talk about articles from the business pages of the newspaper or trending stocks. Any other sub attempting to visit me at home once our contract ended, I'd have Taylor on them in an instant, booting them to the curb and reminding them of their NDA, yet I couldn't imagine Susannah visiting me without good reason.

"Excuse me for a moment," I said to my parents, Elliot, and Ana, rising from the sofa and heading to the security suite.

"Christian?" Ana said a moment later. She'd followed me to the security room. I really didn't want her coming face to face with a woman I'd slept with—especially since I was unsure why Susannah was here.

"Baby, please return to the great room and sit with Elliot and my parents. I won't be long, I promise."

"Ok. But why is she here?" Ana asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Susannah Milford is from HR at Random House. She's the one who interviewed me for the assistant to an assistant position. Why would she be here?"

Well, fuck me. This was going to go down like a lead balloon.

"I don't know why she is here, and please don't get upset... A long time ago, Susannah was my submissive."

Ana's eyes were as round as saucers as she said, "Oh, I see." Then she turned on her heel and walked out of the security suite, presumably to re-join my family. Fuck! I was going to follow her when I heard the soft ping indicating the staff elevator had arrived. Seconds later, Taylor escorted Susannah in. Her hair was shorter, but otherwise, she hadn't changed a bit. It was a little surreal seeing her again. I wondered whether I would feel something—a pull or some sort of attraction. But I didn't. I regarded her in much the same I would any business associate I'd not seen in a while.

"Mr. Grey? I'm sorry to have to reach out to you. I understand the terms of our contract dictated you wanted no contact once our agreement ceased, however, there are a few things I need to tell you."

"Not a problem, Ms. Milford. Please take a seat."

Taylor remained standing near the door, making it patently clear he wasn't going anywhere. Not that I would have met with her alone in any case.

"First, I'm moving back to Seattle. I've accepted a position in HR at Random House. It is in that capacity I met a... friend of yours. Anastasia Steele?"

I didn't give her any reaction, so she continued.

"At first, I didn't realize she was associated with you, however after her interview, I saw her getting into a black Audi driven by one of your security team. A few days later, I visited Elena Lincoln. I've been out of the scene here for so long, I wanted to see who might be looking for a sub. She suggested since we ended on amicable terms, she could arrange a reintroduction between us, which is when I told her why I thought you were unavailable."

"I am. Unavailable," I said sternly.

Susannah nodded. "Then I'm sorry for putting Ms. Steele on her radar. Elena seemed furious that you might have met someone independently from her. Personally, I suspect she's more disappointed she missed an introduction fee."

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