Chapter 11 - Ana

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Sunday afternoon found Christian and me lounging in the great room. He was sitting on the rug working with his laptop on the coffee table, while I sprawled on the couch beside him, engrossed in a novel from his well-equipped library. I could easily lose myself in there for hours. In fact, I was seriously tempted to sleep on the sofa in there just to surround myself with so many books! From time to time, I'd reach out and play with Christian's hair. He said nothing, but his smile suggested he enjoyed the affectionate contact. I enjoyed watching him while he worked. His face was so serious, and he was so immersed, yet even deep in contemplation, the man was breathtakingly handsome.

I was burning with curiosity about Elena Lincoln and just who she was to Christian. The moment Mia took me upstairs at his parents' house, I pumped her for all she knew, but there wasn't much to hear. Apparently, she was a former neighbor, a good friend of Grace's, and part-owner of two beauty salons that she ran with Christian being a silent partner. Mia confided she couldn't stand her and was certain Elena used her mother and brother for their social connections. What I couldn't understand was why Christian was so adamant she hear nothing about me. He'd introduced us using her surname, yet not mine. Clearly, there was more between Christian and Elena than a couple of beauty salons, however, I didn't think he'd be receptive if I outright asked.

"That's enough work for one day," Christian said, saving his files before closing the lid to his laptop with a contented sigh.

"Perfect timing," I replied. "I'm at the end of a chapter and getting hungry. Are you ready for dinner? Mrs. Jones is off this evening, right? I could cook something for us." Brunch had been so filling, we'd not needed anything since. The sun now setting, it was time to eat. "Is there anything you'd like?"

Christian turned to look at me with a scorching gaze. I immediately blushed and looked away. Whatever he was thinking about, it wasn't food.

"I eat anything. Surprise me, but don't go to any bother."

I sat up on the sofa, leaning over and quickly kissing the top of his head before I had the chance to chicken out. Then I stood and walked across to Gail's kitchen. "I'll throw something together," I said, taking in his pleasantly surprised expression before disappearing into the pantry so he didn't catch my blush. Finding chicken breasts in the fridge, along with a good supply of vegetables and Asian greens, I settled on a simple garlic and ginger chicken stir-fry. The prep took no time at all and served with some brown rice, it would be relatively healthy.

"Shall I select a wine for dinner?" Christian asked, appearing on the other side of the breakfast bar as I was dishing up. "We could have a Pinot Blanc, or I have an agreeable unoaked Chardonnay."

"Whatever you think," I replied. I was truly clueless about wine, having had few opportunities to try it. By the time Christian had selected and opened a bottle, our meals were plated, and I was serving them in our usual spots at the counter.

"This smells amazing," Christian said with a little moan that sent a shot of pleasure straight south. Without even meaning to, that man could turn me on!

"It's just a stir-fry," I replied, pleased that he seemed to approve of my simple meal.

"I can't wait to taste it." Pouring us each a generous serve of wine, we started eating. Christian had cleared his plate, and I was close to doing likewise when he spoke.

"You helped Mia choose a gown for the Coping Together gala. Did she tell you about it?"

"Not really. Just that your parents patron a charity and hold a ball at their home every year."

"It was because of my birth mother. Coping Together is a charity for recovering addicts and their children. Mom and Dad started it a few years after they adopted me. It offers practical support to parents in recovery, and kids who have been impacted by drug-addicted parents."

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