Chapter 34 - Grace

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Epilogue - Two and a half years later

"Well, I am happy to report Duwayne looks like a perfectly normal, very healthy little boy," I told his relieved mother, squeezing her hand supportively. Born in the infirmary at the women's correctional center, six-week-old Duwayne could live in a supported unit with his mother for as long as she was breastfeeding. His mother hoping to spare him going into foster care, with only eight months of her sentence left to serve, the priority was keeping Duwayne happy, healthy, and of course, breastfed.

Seeing Duwayne made me think of my own grandchild. Elliot had surprised us when, out of the blue, he'd asked for Grandma Violet's ring. Unbeknownst to all of us, he'd secretly been seeing none other than Katherine Kavanaugh for months! When they made their happy announcement, Elliot wasn't backward coming forwards telling us it had started with a drunken interlude at last year's Coping Together ball. After that, they continued to see one another for several months in private, resulting in an unexpected but not unwelcome pregnancy.

I wasn't certain Kate was the best match for Elliot, yet she'd made him do what no other woman had—he'd kept his pecker in his pants and had stepped up to the plate, becoming the man and father-to-be Kate and their baby needed. Married in a quickly arranged society wedding, before Kate started showing, they were now living in Elliot's bachelor apartment while Grey Constructions finished building a family home not too far from us in Bellevue. They'd recently found out the baby Kate carried was a little girl, and Cary and I were delighted at the prospect of our first grandbaby!

The last few years had also been good to our youngest, Mia. Rehab turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Through individual and family therapy, we realized we'd all played a part in Mia's lack of direction and subsequent alcoholism. When she'd left the hospital, clean and sober, she'd worked for Elliot at Grey Constructions for six months, serving as an administrative assistant and general dog's body. Taking time to decide where her passions lay, she'd eventually asked Christian for the opportunity to work in his events department at GEH. Always willing to assist me with the various functions I organized for Coping Together, Mia wanted to see if she could turn that interest into a career.

She took to it like a duck to water. With inherent good taste, knowing where to spend and how to save, along with strong organizational skills, Mia was soon organizing most GEH events. Christian had suggested she branch out into her own business, however, while she had a guaranteed job at GEH Mia was taking the opportunity to further her studies. These days, she worked three days a week alongside completing a degree in the field. Since most of her work was in the CBD at GEH, she lived in a two-bedroom apartment in Escala. Owned by Christian, the rent was heavily subsidized, however, we were all ok with that given she was working, studying, sober, and paying at least some rent. As Christian pointed out, it cost him less leasing Mia an apartment at below market value than paying for security at a less secure residence.

But as much as things had changed for my eldest and youngest, it was with my middle child where I'd seen the most change. Thanks to Ana, Christian was a different man. It was only a few weeks after Elliot proposed to Kate when Christian asked Anastasia to marry him. We'd all known it was just a matter of time, yet were still delighted when the much-anticipated event occurred. I'd expected an over-the-top public declaration of love, but the actuality was different. On the third day of the annual visit to my parents' ranch in Montana, Christian and Ana slipped away early one morning to hike a nearby ravine. Being so isolated, they didn't take security so, for once, were totally alone. Taking a picnic lunch (and Christian a diamond ring worth several million) apparently my dear boy had waited until they'd reached the zenith, and eaten lunch before he popped the question. Happy to wait for Elliot and Kate to have their big day first, Ana and Christian would marry next week in a very quiet ceremony with only immediate family and friends.

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