Chapter 14 - Christian

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I woke on Thursday morning. I was in Ana's bed and while last night I'd slept like a baby beside her, now I was awake I panicked that maybe—despite her words of reassurance—she'd run. Throwing my clothes on in a panic, I was halfway down the hallway to the great room when I heard Anastasia's lilting voice along with Gail's. I wasn't close enough to hear what they were discussing, but given my instructions to Mrs. Jones the night before, I was confident enough to return to Ana's room. My cell on one of the bedside tables, I picked it up and tapped out a text to Taylor.

Anastasia in the kitchen talking with Gail. Do not interrupt them. Lock the elevator so she can't leave without me knowing.

I was pretty sure Ana was giving me the benefit of the doubt and would stay at Escala, however it didn't hurt to be cautious. Alone in her bedroom for the first time, I looked around. Everything was neatly put away, although I did not know if that was Ana's natural inclination or a result of Mrs. Jones' ministrations. Yet there were still hints of who Ms. Steele was as a person. On her nightstand were several books from my library. British classics, by the looks of them. I didn't want to violate her privacy by opening her nightstand drawers, so I moved into her bathroom, combining a need to relieve myself with checking out the bathroom counter. Filled with high-end products I believe Gail had supplied all my submissives with until they made known their own preferences, the inexpensive hairbrush sitting neatly beside the basket of toiletries reminded me that Anastasia was a very different sort of woman than that I was accustomed to. Finishing my business, I returned to Ana's bedroom, lying on her side of the bed and deeply inhaling her fresh floral scent.

Not wanting to interrupt whatever Gail and Anastasia were discussing, I looked at the time. Early, but not too early to call Bellevue. My mother was habitually an early riser, and if she'd been on a night shift the night before, Gretchen would be there by now to answer the phone.

"Mom?" I said as soon as she picked up the call. "I need your help."

"Christian! It's lovely to hear from you, darling. Of course, I'll help you... What do you need?"

And I immediately felt like a heel. Anastasia's comments the night before about allowing my mother to believe Elena was a friend had struck a chord with me. If Mom knew what Elena and I had done, she'd never speak to her former friend again. Hell—I worried if she would speak to me, but that was another story. The fact is, I took my mother for granted, and that needed to stop.

"Anastasia has consented to attend the Coping Together gala with me. She's just started some temp work while she looks for employment in her field, but isn't yet in a position to afford the sort of gown and accessories people would expect, so I was hoping you and Mia could raid Mia's cupboard and choose a selection of her old gowns to send across for Ana to try? I would have bought her something, but she doesn't want me to spend any money. The only way I could convince her to accompany me was if she could borrow one of Mia's old dresses."

"She's a good deal shorter than Mia," Mom mused. "Slimmer, too. Leave it with me, darling. Between your sister and I, we'll find a few suitable dresses for her to try on."

Unseen by Mom, I smiled. I knew that within a few hours Caroline Acton would get a call from Mom and Mia, and the two would likely be there within hours choosing a few options to include in Mia's castoffs. While Mia would be drawn to the latest runway designs, I trusted Mom to choose something stylish and classy for my girl without it being conspicuously couture.

"She'll need a mask," I reminded my mother.

"Plus shoes and a purse, too," Mom replied. I could almost hear her eyes rolling. "I'll speak with Mrs. Jones and work out what she already has in footwear. Just leave this with me, darling. We'll have a selection there by tomorrow afternoon, latest."

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