Chapter 22 - Christian

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It was Thursday when an investigator from the FBI called Taylor. Our designated contact with the feds, they explained to him they'd reviewed the information received and wanted to interview Anastasia. Not wanting her blindsided at work, I arranged for them to meet with us at Escala after dinner that night. While Ana was the victim in this scenario, I was not prepared for her to be interviewed without legal representation. Plus, she needed to be worded up on what to say—or more to the point not to say—about the video files Barney had accessed. I had a team of GEH lawyers at my beck and call, yet my first instinct was to reach out to my father. Calling his firm, I asked to speak to him, identifying myself as his son.

"Elliot! What's up?" my father answered, sounding jovial.

"Other son, Dad." I deserved that. I next to never called my father at work, and when I did, Andrea would make the call and patch it through to me once Dad was on the line.

"Christian," Carrick said, his voice changing. It wasn't guarded - just more he knew I wouldn't be calling to suggest a grill out and watching the next Seahawks game. "What can I do for you?"

"The FBI called today. They've reviewed the initial information about Van Ryn, and they want to speak with Ana. I want to keep this on the down-low, so I've made an appointment for them at 8:00 pm at Escala to see her there."

"And you want me there to represent her?" Dad asked, catching on quickly.

"If you can," I agreed. "She might need a little guidance and support." I wouldn't say more on the phone as there was always the slim chance we could be overheard.

"Your mother is working an evening shift tonight," Dad replied. "How about I come for dinner and we can talk before they arrive?"

"That's perfect, thank you. 6:45 at Escala?" I suggested. I'd call Gail and ask her to make one of my father's favorites. While Gretchen would always leave something for my father to reheat on the nights Mom worked late, a fresh meal and company would certainly be more appealing than a nuked dinner and an empty house. And it was like I'd said to my Mom - I didn't feel I could trust Ana to anyone other than my family.

With my father off the line, I rang Gail, explaining the change in dinner plans and also our after-dinner guests. That sorted, I placed a call to a certain workstation in marketing on the eighth floor. I was smiling even as I pressed the digits on my phone.

"Hello?" my girl answered, sounding apprehensive. My name would have come up on the internal caller ID, so she knew it was me.

"Baby," I cooed. "Can you come upstairs, please? I need to see you."

"Christian," she whispered, and I could imagine her covering the handset and mouth with her hand, so no one overheard. "I'm working."

"This is not for that," I said with a laugh. Last night I'd told Ana I had fantasies about claiming her on the couch in my office. While I wouldn't be averse to a little midday delight, I knew Anastasia was a long way from that, yet. "I actually need to speak with you. Bring your lunch. I'll get Andrea to fetch me something."

Five minutes later, Olivia knocked then opened my office door showing Anastasia through. Even the least observant individual would have noticed the bitchy look Olivia gave my girl. I'd tolerated Olivia's eye fucking for the last six months; however, I was unprepared to have the woman I cared for disrespected.

"Can I get you anything, Mr. Grey?" Olivia simpered as Ana moved over to the conference table with her brown paper lunch sack. Delivered only yesterday, the new table and chairs we'd ordered complemented my new office scheme perfectly, and this is the first time Ana had seen them.

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