Chapter 24 - Christian

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"Hey," I said with a smile as Ana stepped out of the elevator into the great room at Escala. "How did your interview go?"

I knew from Reynolds that Anastasia had arrived at Grey House at eleven and, determined to make up the time she'd missed, had worked through until seven. Not long home myself, I was happy to see her. The situation in Taiwan was becoming urgent, so Taylor and I would fly out to Taipei tomorrow afternoon. It being much faster to catch a commercial service, Andrea had booked us first-class tickets on the next direct flight. With the time difference and the thirteen-hour flight, we'd depart Seattle at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, arriving in Taipei at 7:00 pm Wednesday night. I'd estimated I'd need four to five business days to conclude my business there, so realistically if I left Taipei on the midday flight Wednesday their time, we'd be back in Seattle on Wednesday morning local time. A whole week away from my girl.

"It was ok," Ana said, walking across to step into my embrace, taking a deep breath, and just resting her head against me. "I was in there for over double the time of the two applicants before me. It was for an assistant to an assistant position, and I really didn't like the guy whose assistant I'd be supporting."

"Didn't like him why?"

"I can't put my finger on it," she admitted. "He wasn't sleazy, and the questions he asked were ok. I just got a bad vibe from him. Plus, the starting salary is less than I'm earning as a temp, and it didn't seem there was much scope for advancement."

"Then don't take it. In a workforce the size of GEH, there's a constant need for temps. There's no shortage of work, so you can take your time until you find a job you want. Although if it's an assistant to an assistant job you're after, Olivia's job will be vacant soon..."

"You wish, Grey," Ana said, leaning up to kiss me. "You'd get nothing done."

"I don't know... I might have time to christen that sofa," I joked, pretending to pout.

"Keep dreaming," she replied with a smirk, pecking me again before accepting a glass of wine. "How was your day?"

"Not great. Taylor and I leave for Taiwan tomorrow. If all goes well, we'll be back Wednesday morning." I'm sure my face looked as downcast as I felt. I didn't want to leave.

"The time will fly," Ana replied in a voice that sounded as dejected as I felt. "You'll be back before we know it."

"It will still be too long away from you," I growled. "Security is going to be extra-tight while I'm away. With Van Ryn on the loose, I don't want you going anywhere without at least one CPO. I mean it, baby."

"I won't. You have my word," she promised.

Sitting down to an excellent dinner of Mrs. Jones' roast pork with apple sauce, Anastasia told me she planned to keep herself busy while I was away by baking for my father, sending out more job applications, and binge-watching TV series.

"Plus, I have my interview with Seattle Independent Press on Thursday to prepare for," Anastasia said, smiling brightly. "In their email, they said they are restructuring and expanding, so there are a range of positions available. If I do well on that interview, I might have a shot at something more interesting than just admin."

Ana was so excited I didn't have the heart to tell her SIP was about to become Grey Publishing. Knowing she'd never accept a position at SIP if she thought I'd played any part in her securing it, I'd intentionally stayed arm's length once I'd signed off on the deal. Roach and SIP HR were wholly responsible for the hiring and firing. Ros had approved the new corporate structure Roach had proposed, but other than hearing there'd be several new editor, assistant editor, and administrative positions, I had not looked any further into it, nor had I put forward Anastasia's name. If they offered Ana a position at SIP, I wanted it to be entirely on her own merits, with me able to state honestly that I'd not used my influence.

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