Chapter 25 - Ana

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Coming home on Tuesday night was depressing. I'd said goodbye to Christian at Grey House. After our tryst in the shower, we'd redressed and cuddled on the sofa in his office for forty minutes until it was time for him to leave. With promises to Skype whenever we could, Christian made several requests—all security-related. Then, with a final long kiss, he said goodbye and disappeared into the elevator with Taylor, and I returned to marketing on the eighth floor. I worked through lunch, trying not to dwell on Christian's absence. Then, at 5:30 pm, I met Sawyer in the GEH garage. This time he was driving a silver Audi A4 that he explained was usually driven by Mrs. Jones.

Back at Escala, Sawyer traveled in the elevator with me up to the penthouse before disappearing into the security room. As soon as I stepped into the great room, Mrs. Jones was there to take my coat. I must have looked forlorn because she stepped forward and hugged me.

"The first couple of nights are the worst... I always hate it when Jason goes away, too. Would you like a glass of wine? I have roast chicken and vegetables for dinner, so perhaps a light white?"

"Would join me?" I asked shyly. "For the wine and dinner? I've spent no proper time here without Christian..."

"It would be my pleasure," Gail said, fetching two wine glasses and pouring us each a generous glass. We chatted as she finished cooking. Serving four portions, she disappeared for a moment carrying two on a tray—presumably to feed the security staff. While she was gone, I set the kitchen counter. There were four stools. Christian and I always used the middle two, him on my left. Sitting at my usual place, today I set Gail's setting to my right. It didn't feel right having anyone else in Christian's place.

"Thank you for joining me," I said when Gail placed my meal in front of me before situating her own.

"It's no problem. Having another woman in the house is such a welcome change, especially when Mr. Grey and Jason are away."

"So, you and Mr. Taylor...?"

"Yes," Gail replied, blushing as she took a sip of her wine. "Sharing an apartment, it just sort of evolved over time. It's been a few years, and Mr. Grey knows about us."

"That's really sweet," I said, meaning every word.

Gail quickly changed the subject, obviously reluctant to dwell on her personal life. We were nearing the end of our meals when I announced I owed Carrick Grey a chocolate cake.

"Carrick helped with the FBI the other night. I really wanted to pay him, but he wouldn't accept money. He asked for one of my chocolate cakes. If it's no bother, I'd thought I'd make one tonight and send security across with it tomorrow?"

"If you're making chocolate cake, you'd best make more than one," Gail advised with a grin. "Sawyer and Reynolds are both pretty partial. And, luckily, Ryan went with Mr. Grey and Jason, as he's worse than the other two combined!"

The youngest of Christian's security team—at least of those I had met so far—Ryan had boyish good looks women no doubt responded to. He seemed nice enough, although it had not escaped my attention that they rarely allocated him to me.

"We could cook together if you'd like?" Gail suggested.

"I'd like that," I admitted, taking my plate to the dishwasher before finding an apron and putting it on.

Over the next few hours, Gail and I cooked, drank wine, and chatted. In the end, I made three chocolate cakes. A large one for Carrick, a smaller one for security, the third for Gail and me to share. During our conversation, I explained that being new to Seattle I'd yet to find a doctor. I didn't spell it out, however, when I explained I'd prefer a female doctor I think she understood what I was after. Jotting down the name of her physician, Gail commented she was discreet and across all areas of women's health. I'd ring tomorrow and make an appointment for the weekend.

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